sounds in ie6.0



i'm having trouble disabling sounds in commercialsappearing in web pages. I have disabled the sound option in the advanced tab under internet explorer options, but this does not help. I'm running IE6.0 XP operating system .... does anyone have a suggstion to a solution to my problem? (I'm not entirely facinated by the bargain on CD's on top of my otherwise tasteful music :))


Jan Il

Hi Tord :)
i'm having trouble disabling sounds in commercialsappearing in web
pages. I have disabled the sound option in the advanced tab under
internet explorer options, but this does not help. I'm running IE6.0
XP operating system .... does anyone have a suggstion to a solution
to my problem? (I'm not entirely facinated by the bargain on CD's on
top of my otherwise tasteful music :))

Try the following and see if this will help.

Clearing Sounds:

Go to "Settings" and "Control Panel" and then hit the "Sounds & Multimedia"
icon. Click on the "Sounds" tab, and scroll down in the window until you get
to the "Windows Explorer" heading. There's a list of events, such as
"Complete Navigation", "Empty Recycle Bin", etc.

On the Complete Navigation and Start Navigation headings, if there is a
little speaker icon, that means there is a sound associated with it.
Highlight that heading and then hit the little right-arrow button to play
the sound.

If you want to clear that sound, all you have to do is highlight the event
you want to clear, then click on the drop-down menu that lists the sounds,
and scroll all the way to the top and click on "None."

Once you're finished clearing the sounds, click on "Apply" and then "OK".

--Note - you may get a pop-up window asking if you want to save the scheme
you were in before you change it -- you can decide if you want to save the
sound scheme - if not, just hit "NO" and go on to clear the sounds you don't

Hope this helps.

Jan :)


Thank you for your response,

However, the sound issue is not about clicking sounds related to button click events (I have disabled these), but to backgound sounds in the web page ... I think typically related to compact flash parts of the web page(commercials etc). Sometimes the sound appears when the mouse marker is moved over a commercial secition of the page .. other times it just runs in the backgound, even when the window is minimized?


Jan Il

Hi Tord :)
Thank you for your response,

However, the sound issue is not about clicking sounds related to
button click events (I have disabled these), but to backgound sounds
in the web page ... I think typically related to compact flash parts
of the web page(commercials etc). Sometimes the sound appears when
the mouse marker is moved over a commercial secition of the page ..
other times it just runs in the backgound, even when the window is

I see. Well...I'm not sure there is a way to disable those types of sounds
unless there is a mute button on them to allow the sound on the webpage to
be muted. The only thing I can suggest is to turn your sound off while at
those webpage's. However, this would not allow you to hear any music you
would play on the computer either. I've not heard of a way to disable
webpage sounds other than turning off the computer sound. However, someone
else here may know of some way. Repost your question, but, be sure to
describe the sounds you want to disable in the Subject line, such as; How
can I disable webpage sounds, or something of that nature, to let others
know what type of sounds you want to get rid of, if possible.

Sorry I could not be of more help, but, hopefully, someone here can, and
I'll learn something new in that regard too. :)

Best regards,

Jan :)

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