Someone PLEASE help!



No matter what I do I can't open or save attachments in Windows Mail. I did
uncheck the box in Security Settings (about not downloading dangerous
attachments). Nothing seems to work.

Robert Moir

ROLL-Framingham said:
No matter what I do I can't open or save attachments in Windows Mail.
I did uncheck the box in Security Settings (about not downloading
dangerous attachments). Nothing seems to work.

You might start with detailing what happens when you try.
I mean "Nothing seems to work." covers a wide range of things that went
wrong, all the way from a nice error message (please include it in your
reply if you got one) all the way up to aliens abducting you every time you
click on the attachment icon.


I click on the attachment. It's like clicking a blank space. No error
message. Nothing. I try Save AS. I put in a directory. An error message
says "Action can't be executed". That's all. So I can't open or save an
attachment. Please help.

Steve Cochran

Try saving to Desktop. It could be a permissions issue.

Also see if you can save the whole message to the Desktop and then click on
it to open it and then see if you can then save the attachment.

Is it any attachment, or just a certain kind. Try an image.



Saving it to Desktop doesn't work.

Saving message to desktop an then trying to open the eml file and click
attachment doesn't work. It doesn;t work to save as on the message either.

Is there a way I can reinstall Windows Mail? I need my attachments!

Steve Cochran

What build are you using?

Do you have it set to be able to save attachments under Tools | Options |



If you mean under Tools - Options -- Security in Windows Mail, there is only
one thing about attachemnets: "Do not allow attachments that coold
potentially be a virus". I tried unchecking it and checking it, still no
luck! Windows Mail won;t let me Open or Save any attachment.

I have noticed that I can download email attachments from internet mail
(AOL) using Mozilla, but NOT using internet mail using IE7. Maybe it's


You're going to have to give us a bit more info here.

1. we'll need your build number. you can get that typing "winver" at the
run line.
2. what type of logon account are you using, is it a member of the
administrator's group, a power user, standard user, etc.
3. Can you open attached text files, jpegs, or do all result in the same
4. Have you altered any of the default settings in winmail, if so, which
5. Have you installed any virus scanners?

If you don't feel comfortable providing this info to the group, please open
a bug through the connect site ( and a
microsoft representative will contact you to get the above info from you.
If you're not on the beta, then I'll have to take a different approach to
get that info. :)



1. Build Number RC1 Build 5600
2. Administrator's Logon
3. All types of files cannot be opened.
4. I unchecked the "don't download files that could be a virus" box
5. No Virus Scanners installed.


ROLL-Framingham said:
No matter what I do I can't open or save attachments in Windows Mail. I did
uncheck the box in Security Settings (about not downloading dangerous
attachments). Nothing seems to work.

I have the same problem, the same build of Vista, RC1, (and suggesting
installing a later build is not an option for those of us left in the lurch
by MS allowing us to download RC1 and then pulling the plug on RC2).
I was able to open attachments last week but can't do it today, tried the
suggestion made by others in this thread, except installing a later build. I
have lots of disk space, have tried saving to two different drives, I haven't
installed and new software or changed any components in the pc.


Peter J said:
I have the same problem, the same build of Vista, RC1, (and suggesting
installing a later build is not an option for those of us left in the lurch
by MS allowing us to download RC1 and then pulling the plug on RC2).
I was able to open attachments last week but can't do it today, tried the
suggestion made by others in this thread, except installing a later build. I
have lots of disk space, have tried saving to two different drives, I haven't
installed and new software or changed any components in the pc.

It just occurred to me as I posted the above that I can't save favorites in
Vista either, never have been able to, get 'unspecified error' message which
is not very helpful, but I wonder if the problems could be related, although
I could read attachments a week ago, as I said.


Just in case anyone is still interested in this thread:

I tried using System Restore to set my pc back to an earlier date when I
could save attachments; there had been several MS updates. Afterwards I was
able to save one attachment and then it stopped again.
However I devised a work around:
1 In Mail, go to Tools/accounts and select the account you are using and
then the adavanced tab. Click on leave a copy of message on server (set a
period of days if you want. Do this for every account if necessary.
2 Then install another email client and set it up to collect mail on an ad
hoc basis. I use Agent as a newsreader and its built-in email client is ok
for this.
Now, when you receive a message with an attachment in Mail, fire up your
other email client, download the messages and open/save your attachments.
Now you can keep all your messages in your Mail database and still deal with
3 Wait two+ months for MS to release the shrinkwrap Vista and hope that if
fixes the problem.

Tom Lake

Cedric said:
I'm using the officially released version of Vista (Build 6000) and it's
still not possible to save the attachments (at least PDFs).

Sorry if you've covered this but did you go to Tool/Options/Security and uncheck the
box marked "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be
a virus."?

Tom Lake

Peter Johnson

Steve asked:
What happens when you try? Is it greyed out or what?

No, it all looks as it should, can be ticked or unticked and applied.
Restarted the app but that made no difference either.
(Just to recap, this is RC1 build 5600. When first installed I could open
and save attachments in Win Mail, then, for no obvious reason it stopped
working. Nothing happens when I try to open an attachment and if I try to
save it I'm get a dialog telling me that there's an error, obviously, and to
check free disk space - there is plenty. I tried restoring the system back
to a time when I could open/save attachments but with no success. I suspect
that I'm going to have to wait until February and hope that installing the
retail version of Vista will fix it.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Cochran" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Someone PLEASE help!


Guess I need to read all the info. Same problem here. Worked for a bit and
now nothing. Can't open, save or anything with attachments. Brand new Gateway
came with Vista Ultimate. Now what??? Sure cant go without attachments???


Re: Windows Mail Vista; I had the same problem with attachments, Geek Squad
set it up to read messages and attachments in incoming html, now instead of
attachments being called up individually,I call up the email with
attachments click on view, click on message in html and all attachments
display within the email as received as well as being able to both save and
forward. Hope this helps.

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