Some Outlook Folders Lost



Hi, I moved my OUTLOOK.PST and OUTLOOK BACKUP.PST folders out of MY DOCs as
they are now too big (200MB each). But I have now lost all the personal
folders I had added to which I move stuff from my INBOX to, as well as the
stuff in my SENT folder. In OUTLOOK under HOTMAIL I now only have DELETED
ITEMS, INBOX, JUNK EMAIL, and SENT (with most items missing) - the added
folders are missing. As I still have the OUTLOOK.PST and OUTLOOK BACKUP.PST,
surely I can get back what I've lost?

Also, what about the other PST files, ARCHIVE and OUTLOOKHOTMAIL, in
DOCUMENTS and SETTINGS/ ... /OUTLOOK folder - do they enter the equation?

Thanks in advance,



Sorted it myself: Just moved the OUTLOOK.PST folder from MY DOCS to DOCUMENTS
and SETTING/ .../ OUTLOOK, and I now have a folder appearing called PERSONAL
FOLDERS, and lol, all my missing stuff has returned!!!


Brian Tillman

Sagara said:
Sorted it myself: Just moved the OUTLOOK.PST folder from MY DOCS to
DOCUMENTS and SETTING/ .../ OUTLOOK, and I now have a folder
appearing called PERSONAL FOLDERS, and lol, all my missing stuff has

That's avery good way to break your mail profile.


Hi Brian,

I'm not sure what it means to 'break your main profile' - Outlook is a
mystery to me in the manner it is orgainized!



Brian Tillman

Sagara said:
I'm not sure what it means to 'break your main profile' - Outlook is a
mystery to me in the manner it is orgainized!

A mail profile is a structure in the WIndows Registry that allows Outlook to
find the services that it needs to operate. Moving PSTs around when they're
defined in a mail profile (so that Outlook can find them) without modifying
the mail profile (with COntrol Panel's Mail applet) can damage the linkage
to the objects Outlook needs.


Ah, that probably explains why after I moved the OUTLOOK.PST folder, when I
then fired up Outlook the 'Syncronizing Message Folders' message just went on
and on and I had to force Outlook to shut down. I then repaired Outlook
with my Office 2003 CD, (and the registery entries?) and now all is well. I
imagine I went about this problem the long way round. So what is the
difference between the OUTLOOK.PST folder and the two PST folders in



Brian Tillman

Sagara said:
So what is the difference between the OUTLOOK.PST
folder and the two PST folders in DOCUMENTS and SETTINGS/ ...

Only you can say that, since you had to have created them.


But like Richard Dawkins' 'Blind Watchmaker, I had no idea what I was doing -
I no doubt pressed the keys, but Microsoft creates them! But thanks for the
tip on the Mail applet in Control Panel, which makes the links between these
folders a bit clearer, and is where I should have looked in the fist place.

Thanks again,


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