Some images not appearing on pages



All of a sudden, i'm noticing a strange behavior while I view any website.
No matter what site I visit, a common graphic will fail to load within the
page. If I refresh a few times, it will apppear, but then others will
appear broken. It happens mainly with images that appear in several pages
on a given page - such as a single-pixel spacer GIF, an image used for a
bullet, etc. And it's not just one instance of the image - it's all of them
within the page. I've deleted my temporary files and still no luck. Any
ideas? IE6, XP Pro.



I already viewed this page when I was searching this newsgroup for possible
solutions. No luck.


Don Varnau

Since you mention single pixel GIFs, try this from Morbius (posted
Reposted in it's entirety...
- - - - - -
For months now, I (along with apparently TONS of other IE users!) have
been complaining about IE not loading up all images on a page at times.
In my case, it's always the same sites, and always small 1-pixel GIF
images, usually used to space out table cells correctly.

None of the answers repeatedly given here by the "MVPs" worked at all.
They always point to some MS KB article that lists things like firewall
settings, popup blockers, cache settings, page-encoding, blah blah blah.
In other words, their answers are always to go look through umpteen
different things that the end-user has done to cause this problem,
instead of looking at why IE is failing in this manner for so many
folks. At first, I meticulously worked my way through each of those
"suggestions" on a couple of machines, and never once affected the
problem in the slightest. So I quickly learned those suggestions were
basically useless.

I know that in my case, the problem showed up on 2 home systems and 3
work systems, all running different versions of Windows, and all showed
the problem about the same time. I've always been convinced it was
something caused by an MS patch/update, and nothing that I did or could
control. And now, thanks to a post by genkiboy, I finally fixed
it...and as suspected, it was OBVIOUSLY MS-caused! So here's the
solution, if you haven't already seen it...

Note first that my problem was ALWAYS small GIF images not showing up,
nothing else. So if that's not your problem, I don't know if this is
the fix for you or not. But as it has had no adverse effects I can see,
it might still be worth trying.

It involves deleting a couple of Registry keys.



- See if you have 'http', 'https' and 'ftp' subkeys listed under there

- If so, export each of those keys, so you can import them again later
if this causes you any problems

- Then delete the 'http', 'https' and 'ftp' subkeys if they exist
(leave the 'mk' key)

(* i had an 'http' and 'ftp' key and removed both--definitely leave the
'mk' key *)

On the XP systems, this seemed to immediately fix the problem...browsing
sites that had previously suffered this failure worked 100% of the time.
On other versions of Windows, I had to reboot the machine before this
corrected the missing images, but on those, it also fixed it 100% of the
time after a reboot!

So at least in my case, this missing images problem is OBVIOUSLY the
result of some MS error, not anything I did or didn't do! Those keys
are clearly something placed in the Registry by MS, and whatever
function they serve, appear to be the source, and the fix, for this

So I'd definitely suggest anyone suffering from this long-standing
problem give this fix a try. If it works for you, post it here, so
others having the problem continue to see the fix. And maybe the
"MVPs", and MS itself, can help get the REAL fix to people instead of
constantly bombarding them with the same, useless suggestions for fixing
a problem that MS should've fixed long ago.
- - - - -

If you discover which program adds these registry keys, let me know. They
aren't present on my WinME or XP machines.
- - - - - -

Robert Aldwinckle

Don Varnau said:
Since you mention single pixel GIFs, try this from Morbius (posted
12-8-2003) ....
So at least in my case, this missing images problem is OBVIOUSLY the
result of some MS error, not anything I did or didn't do! Those keys
are clearly something placed in the Registry by MS, and whatever
function they serve, appear to be the source, and the fix, for this


Attributed to third-party influence, e.g. GetRight.
by Andreas Muermann, 15 December 2002:

<"[email protected]&rnum=23 >

(Google Groups search for
"Red-X" "Name-Space Handler" group:microsoft.*.browser
sorted by date; this is the oldest reference


Robert Aldwinckle

H Leboeuf


This is what I have on my page.

It's from an old post from Andreas and Jason

I've fixed the red-x-problem on my pc. Getright (4.5) caused the problem!
This is how to do it: un-install getright.
Delete these two registry keys (the un-install does not do that!)

You may want to check further.

Henri Leboeuf
Web page:

Don Varnau



H Leboeuf said:

This is what I have on my page.

It's from an old post from Andreas and Jason

I've fixed the red-x-problem on my pc. Getright (4.5) caused the problem!
This is how to do it: un-install getright.
Delete these two registry keys (the un-install does not do that!)


Amazing! After months of trying to find a solution THIS was the one that
did it. Thanks a bunch!!!


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