


I am having trouble slip streaming XP sp2 into my copy of XP Pro CD on hard

use explorer to copy everything ( explorer set to display all files for all
directories) from the original xp pro install disk to x:\XP32CD
then I use the xpsp2 exe from the sp2 disk on drive D:
d:\xpsp2.exe integrate:x:\XP32CD\i386
I saw files being extracted to a temp folder but nothing in x:\XP32CD\i386
was updated

is it because I am using a limited user acct? or because I running from

( the xp32 partition is severely damaged. by the last repair using either a
corrupted CD or wrong CD.Windows XP logs me out whenever I tried to logon.
It complained about unable to validate licence info


did I get the syntax right? there was an colon between /integrate and the
complete path.
So it is ok to use a limited user to slipstream as long as the user full
access to the target?

I would use the util you suggested, except I am not allowed to download 3rd
party software not on the approved list :(

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