Size of tray icons



Recently I had to completely reinstall Win XP Pro on a freshly formatted
(new) hard drive. I display my taskbar on the left side of the screen and I
make it the minimum width. Still, my tray icons are displayed in rows of two
next to each other, instead of being stacked on top of one another. Right now
I have four icons visible; they appear in a two-by-two grid. I'd rather see
them stacked only one per row, like they used to be. What controls this? How
can I change their size and/or their layout to get what I want?


Bob I

The layout is determined by the width (hight) of the Taskbar, and the
number of rows you have placed the toolbars in.


How do I change the number of rows for the toolbars? I assume the width of
the Taskbar is determined by clicking and dragging it wider or narrower, and
I have it as narrow as it will let it go. But I still would like to see only
one column of tray icons.


Gary S. Terhune

I think the term rows was used to refer to a horizontal Taskbar. Call it
columns for a vertical one.

The answer is still: You make it do what you want it to do. The number of
icons in the question you're asking is determined by the width of the
vertical Taskbar. Nothing you can do to change that. Funny thing is, I can't
get the Taskbar to narrow enough to show fewer than four icons. Don't know
how you managed two (though I have a wide-screen flat-panel monitor, and
that might be what's causing it.

Bob I

If you have it set for two rows of toolbars then you won't get it any
narrower, you need to drag one of the toolbars below the other one.

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