Shortcut for specific Explorer directory??



I'd like to set up a shortcut in the Start Menu for some
general directories on a shared drive. However, instead of
the directory opening, I'd like a copy of Windows Explorer
to open so I can drill down to the specific project
directory without ending up with a dozen open directoried
on my desktop.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance



You could make a Windows Explorer shortcut and use this as the "target"
(accessible via the shortcut's properties):
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, /select, <folder location>

Where <folder location> would be your destination folder (eg. c:\winnt
However if you wanted winnt to be expanded you will have to specify another
folder within winnt (eg system32) otherwise it would just open C:\ and have
the winnt folder selected).



I have found one solution that allows an expanded
directory out of the Start Menu. But if there's a way to
actually open another copy of Windows Explorer, that would
work better.

Thanks again


Alan Illeman

GO said:
You could make a Windows Explorer shortcut and use this as the "target"
(accessible via the shortcut's properties):
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e, /select, <folder location>

Where <folder location> would be your destination folder (eg. c:\winnt
However if you wanted winnt to be expanded you will have to specify another
folder within winnt (eg system32) otherwise it would just open C:\ and have
the winnt folder selected).

or "%windir%\explorer.exe /e,/root,c:\whatever"

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