Sharing a Workbook That Includes Macros




I want to share a workbook that has macros and is on a network. The macros
(amongst other things) will protect and unprotect the sheet but once I make
the workbook shared I lose this functionality.

Can anyone offer any solutions?

Debra Dalgleish

You can't change the protection in a shared workbook. If you explain
what you're trying to do during the protect and unprotect, perhaps
someone could suggest a different way to accomplish the task.


I use a Workbook to control bookings in a restaurant. To eliminate the
possibility of less experienced users deleting data, deleting columns etc the
Worksheets are protected via password. When a new booking is made they click
on a macro button that will produce a user form for them to key the data into
and then press ok. The macro will then unprotect the worksheet
(ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="xxxxxx"), puts the correct data into the
correct fields an protect the worksheet again.

There are more things done but this is the first stumbling block. If I get
through this I should be fine to continue.


Dave Peterson

Search Excel's help for: "Features that are unavailable in shared workbooks".

You'll find that worksheet protection can't be changed.

I think you'll have to either compromise (take off protection or take off
sharing--or change your philosphy).

Maybe you could just hide that worksheet (leaving it unprotected) and have the
userform do everything you want.


Try this to auto hide your worksheets when you launc excel. Works well.
Default must be a blank sheetsheet with no data.

Sub Auto_Open()

On Error Resume Next
Sheets("Default").Cells(1, 1).Select
ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False

Dim sh As Worksheet ‘This will hide your worksheets, no need to preotect
For Each sh In Worksheets
sh.Visible = xlSheetVisible

Call Login ‘This would be your login screen code

End Sub

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