service pak 4



I am having a problem with service pak 4 and want to roll
backwards to service pak 3. how can I do this?


Unless you did not select the option, which allows the removal of SP4, then
you need to reformat your hard disk and reinstall to get back to a previous

Daniel Chang [MSFT]

Or perform an inplace upgrade which is almost like reinstalling the OS
except you get to keep most of your applications and data (it rolls back the
service packs and critical updates).

292175 How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows 2000

306952 What an In-Place Windows 2000 Upgrade Changes and What It Does Not

238359 Differences Between Manual and Fast Repair in Windows

Daniel Chang
Server Setup Team

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: Unless you did not select the option, which allows the removal of SP4,
: you need to reformat your hard disk and reinstall to get back to a
: version.
: : > Go to Add/Remove programs and select SP 4 to be removed.
: >
: > Gail wrote:
: >
: > > I am having a problem with service pak 4 and want to roll
: > > backwards to service pak 3. how can I do this?
: > >
: >


When I look in Add/Remove Programs, it appears there are several hotfixes
with (SP4) or (Pre-SP4) next to them. I do not see one listing that appears
to be SP4 itself. Does this mean that I need to uninstall each of the
hotfixes to uninstall SP4, or that I have to do the inplace upgrade you


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