Service Pack 4 crashed laptop



I ran service pack 4 on a windows 2000 laptop and now it won't boot. I get this stop error message. I have tried to run repair several times from the cd. I have also ran chkdsk /r. It repaired a file and I reran repair but still will not boot, still getting same error message: "Stop: C0000135 {unable to locate DLL} The dynamic link library winsrv could not be found in specified path. Default load path.

Someone please help. This laptop is not backed up.

Vladimir Kharsia

I ran service pack 4 on a windows 2000 laptop and now it won't boot.
I get this stop error message. I have tried to run repair several times from the cd.
I have also ran chkdsk /r. It repaired a file and I reran repair but still will not boot,
still getting same error message: "Stop: C0000135 {unable to locate DLL}
The dynamic link library winsrv could not be found in specified path.
Default load path.

Please, look at MS KB Article - 173309:

V. Kh.

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