Service Pack 4 Broke my USB Drivers



How can I get the Hot Fix listed in Knowledge Base Article 822368 without paying the extortion fees

I don’t want to remove SP4.

You use to be able to download hot fixes for free


Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Rich said:
How can I get the Hot Fix listed in Knowledge Base Article 822368 without paying the extortion fees?


As the article states, you need to call Microsoft Product Support Services to
obtain it (outside the US, customers should contact their local Microsoft
subsidiary.). The support call will be be free as long as you refer to the
Knowledge Base Article number (KB822368) and ask for nothing more.


Why does MS restrict the distribution of these types of Hotfixes in this
way... making a customer contact them to get the fix.

Seems like a waste of time for the people who have to take the time to
contact MS, after the solution is found in the KB article. It must deter
allot of people...

Why don't they simply provide a download link w/ instructions as necessary?


without paying the extortion fees?

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

Jisha said:
Why does MS restrict the distribution of these types of Hotfixes in this
way... making a customer contact them to get the fix.

Seems like a waste of time for the people who have to take the time to
contact MS, after the solution is found in the KB article. It must deter
allot of people...

Why don't they simply provide a download link w/ instructions as necessary?


Most likely because the fixes are not fully regression tested yet (so it
could have some hidden nasty side effects in worst case) and MS Support
wants to have somewhat control on who got the fix.


ahh... makes sense... thanks Torgeir.

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:


Most likely because the fixes are not fully regression tested yet (so it
could have some hidden nasty side effects in worst case) and MS Support
wants to have somewhat control on who got the fix.

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