Separating jpgs



I have a folder which contains over 100 sub-folders. Each of these
sub-folders contains one jpg picture and it's asociated Thumbs.db file.
Is there an easy way to separate the jpgs and move (or copy) them all
together into a new folder. I don't really want to cut & paste over a 100

I hope I am not overlooking something basic !!!

Thanks in anticipation,


Shenan Stanley

Geoff said:
I have a folder which contains over 100 sub-folders. Each of these
sub-folders contains one jpg picture and it's asociated Thumbs.db
file. Is there an easy way to separate the jpgs and move (or copy)
them all together into a new folder. I don't really want to cut &
paste over a 100 times!

I hope I am not overlooking something basic !!!

You can do a few things - one where you can utilize the GUI is...

- Open "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" and browse until you see the name
of the root folder you speak about (don't go into the folder with the 100+
subfolders - you just want to be able to click on the name.)
- Right-Click on the name of the folder and choose "Search" from the
drop-down menu.
- In the 'Search for files or folders named:' field, type *.jpg.
- Depending on your setup, you'll have some sort of "Search Options" field
below - and you want to change the "Advanced Options" so that you at least
"Search Subfolders"...
- After changing the advanced options, click on "Search Now" and wait for it
to show you all of your JPGs...

If you want to grab them all, select one by clicking on it and then press
CTRL+A to select all of them. You can then copy (CTRL+C) or cut (CTRL+X)
and then paste them (CTRL+V) into whatever folder/location you desire.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Geoff said:
I have a folder which contains over 100 sub-folders. Each of these
sub-folders contains one jpg picture and it's asociated Thumbs.db file.
Is there an easy way to separate the jpgs and move (or copy) them all
together into a new folder. I don't really want to cut & paste over a 100

I hope I am not overlooking something basic !!!

Thanks in anticipation,


You could do it like so:
- Use Explorer to navigate to your folder.
- Right-click a blank area, then click "New", then "Text Document".
- Type this for a name: MoveFiles.bat
- Insist on changing the file name when prompted.
- Copy the code below, then paste it into the MoveFiles.bat.
- Save MoveFiles.bat.
- Double-click MoveFiles.bat while in Explorer.

You will now see all the files that ***would*** be moved. To
make it happen, do this:
1. Change Line 2 so that it reads
set active=yes (no extra spaces, please!)
2. Remove the line with the word "Pause".
3. Save MoveFiles.bat
4. Double-click MoveFiles.bat.
6. Enjoy!

Note: The program will refuse to move files if it finds
duplicate names. You must rename them first.

@echo off
set active=no
if /i active==yes (set cmd=move) else (set cmd=echo move)
dir /s /b /ad > "%temp%\dir.txt"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('type "%temp%\dir.txt"') do (
if exist "%%a\*.jpg" %cmd% "%%a\*.jpg" %cd%
if exist "%%a\*.db" %cmd% "%%a\*.db" %cd%


Geoff said:
I have a folder which contains over 100 sub-folders. Each of these
sub-folders contains one jpg picture and it's asociated Thumbs.db file.
Is there an easy way to separate the jpgs and move (or copy) them all
together into a new folder. I don't really want to cut & paste over a 100

I hope I am not overlooking something basic !!!

Thanks in anticipation,


WOW I'm glad it wasn't something basic !!!!
I'll try both of these methods.

Many thanks,


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