Seeking a financial organiser....suggestions anyone?



I'm seeking a basic accouting freeware program.....something which
allows me to safely encrypt the data using external encryption prog.
I've never used anything accounting progs so dont know what features
are available on most progs. i basically want to start organising and
keeping track of my money instead of leaving it to chance and ending up
short for paying the phone bill.....something which allows me to
allocate spending limitations and money for say "this is the savings
for the holiday to...." and this is how much i can spend this week on
dog food. also hoping there is freeware which will basically allow me
to set formulas like in excell. I only used excell once or twice and
have forgotton most i learned. Perhaps learning excell is the best
option?? or is there better freeware out there??....thoughts on this
anyone if you have experiences?

thanks in advance........A


I would get an old copy of Microsoft Money....... it should be cheap as
chips and does a great job controlling your money.

El Gee

I would get an old copy of Microsoft Money....... it should be cheap
as chips and does a great job controlling your money.


WHile I am sure your advice is appreciated and heart felt, this is a
freeware group. YOu should being suggesting AceMoney, PLCash Turbocash,

El Gee // <><
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