Scroll wheel does NOT scroll anything

  • Thread starter JohnyBeGood@localhost
  • Start date


Hi all!

It was working fine until yesterday, every other button works, but this scroll wheel not at all,
I went on logitech site and couldn't find anything for my MX510 model,
any ideas what couldn't cause this?
surfing web sites with no scroll mouse function is no fun :)
any help is appreciated!

Pegasus \(MVP\)

JohnnyBeGood said:
Hi all!

It was working fine until yesterday, every other button works, but this scroll wheel not at all,
I went on logitech site and couldn't find anything for my MX510 model,
any ideas what couldn't cause this?
surfing web sites with no scroll mouse function is no fun :)
any help is appreciated!
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* Binary Usenet Leeching Made Easy

Try a different mouse!


Thanks for the reply!
I don't have any other mouse with scroll wheel, but I see your point.



Open it in the back, blow out all the dust, and clean off the ball with a
dry rag. It may fix it. You can get cleaner fluid from many computer
stores which will clean the ball better.



Couple of tests,
I connected problem mouse to Win 2000 laptop scroll wheel didn't work (not
sure if I need a driver update in order wheel to work)
tried BattleField 2 game scroll wheel didn't work,
is is possible that scroll wheel is broken ?
1 button that is in front of wheel and 1 that is in back of wheel are
working (scrolling page)

Wesley Vogel

To activate the mouse wheel

Open Device Manager...
Start | Run | Type: devmgmt.msc | Click OK |

1. Double-click Mice and other pointing devices and then double-click the
name of the mouse you want to configure.
2. On the Advanced Settings tab, in Wheel Detection, select Look for wheel.

If Look for wheel is selected and the mouse wheel is not working, click
Assume wheel is present.

Mouse Properties in Device Manager | Advanced Settings tab

Sample Rate:
[[Changes how often the operating system determines the position of your
mouse. If you want to increase the resolution of your mouse or increase the
speed at which your mouse is tracked, you should increase this value.

Increasing this value will make your mouse more sensitive; decreasing this
value will make your mouse less sensitive.]]

Wheel Detection
[[Changes how the operating system detects and enables the wheel on your
mouse. There are three options:

Detection disabled - The operating system will not try to detect or enable a
mouse wheel. Choose this option if you do not want to use your mouse wheel.

Look for wheel - The operating system will try to detect whether you have a
mouse wheel on your mouse. If it determines that there is a wheel, it will
enable the wheel. Not every mouse supports this feature. If you choose this
option, and your mouse does not work, choose Assume wheel is present.

Assume wheel is present - The operating system will attempt to enable your
mouse wheel without first detecting whether you have a mouse wheel. If your
mouse wheel is not functioning, you should choose this option.]]

Input Buffer Length:
[[Changes the size of the input buffer that stores information about your
mouse location. Increase this number if your mouse behaves erratically.]]

Fast Initialization box:
[[Enables or disables fast initialization, which increases or decreases the
time it takes the operating system to start up. If your mouse is behaving
erratically (moving in random directions or acting as though you have
clicked buttons when you have not), clear this check box.]]

Defaults button:
[[Restores the following properties to these default settings:
Sample rate - 100 reports per second
Wheel detection - Assume wheel is present
Input buffer length - 100 packets
Fast initialization - enabled]]

Mouse Properties...
Start | Run | Type: control mouse | Click OK |
Wheel tab

The choice is between 1 and 100 on The following number of lines at a time:

The following number of lines at a time...
[[Defines how far a page scrolls when you roll the wheel one notch. You can
scroll a specific number of lines or an entire screen.]]

One screen at a time...
[[A screen is different depending on the size of your window and the program
you are using. It is equivalent to using the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys on
your keyboard, or to clicking the scroll bar.]]

Normally the mouse wheel does the same thing as the Page Up and Page Down
keys. In Internet Explorer and Outlook Express Ctrl + mouse wheel zooms the
Text Size. The same as View | Text Size | Pick a size. Each notch on the
wheel changes to the next Text Size.

I do that by accident all the time. In fact I discovered this by accident
and can't find any documentation on it.

On some mice the wheel acts as a third button. Click the wheel, hold it
down and you can drag the displayed page up and down and depending on the
application, left and right.

In MS Office apps Ctrl + mouse wheel changes the percentage of Zoom. It
zooms in and zooms out.

In AutoCAD the wheel zooms without using the Ctrl key. I use the wheel
button and the mouse wheel to navigate around drawings in AutoCAD all the

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



JohnyBeGood said:
I connected problem mouse to Win 2000 laptop scroll wheel didn't work (not
sure if I need a driver update in order wheel to work)
tried BattleField 2 game scroll wheel didn't work,
is is possible that scroll wheel is broken ?

Sure. Try another mouse with a scrollwheel.


It's working now!

Looks like there was some type of dirt there,
I didn't even tested Wesley Vogel suggestion,
Thank you guys!

Wesley Vogel

Looks like there was some type of dirt there,

That was going to be my next suggestion. LOL

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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