Scanner Access



Dear Experts:

I have a HPScanner attached directly to my computer. Below are the details:

In Win 2000 without admin access, a scanner is attached thru USB port. All
the necessary installation (HP Scanner Installation + Driver Installation)
done by our Administrator.

When Scanner is good:
To scan something, i need to plug-off the scanner i.e no power supply,
restart my system, enter my user credentials, then power-on the scanner.
Sometimes this also doesn't work, they I click on USB icon near Clock &
"Unplug or Eject Hardwar"

Its a weired kind of problem, I have tested my scanner physically its fine.
In opinion, its probably some kind of Win 2000 access issue, as scanner is
working fine with Administrator Account.

Moreover, in Control Panel>Scanner & Cameras> my scanner is listed but when
i click on properties it says
On Port: \\. \HP4200C000
Status: Unavailable

Only when scanner is not working, otherwise it states
On Port: \\. \HP4200C000
Status: Device Ready

Its so irritating that to scan a single-page document i need to restart my
system. Hope you people must have some solution.

Best regards,

Steve Parry [MVP]

Murtaza said:
Dear Experts:

I have a HPScanner attached directly to my computer. Below are the

In Win 2000 without admin access, a scanner is attached thru USB
port. All the necessary installation (HP Scanner Installation +
Driver Installation) done by our Administrator.

When Scanner is good:
To scan something, i need to plug-off the scanner i.e no power supply,
restart my system, enter my user credentials, then power-on the
scanner. Sometimes this also doesn't work, they I click on USB icon
near Clock & "Unplug or Eject Hardwar"

Its a weired kind of problem, I have tested my scanner physically its
fine. In opinion, its probably some kind of Win 2000 access issue, as
scanner is working fine with Administrator Account.

Moreover, in Control Panel>Scanner & Cameras> my scanner is listed
but when i click on properties it says
On Port: \\. \HP4200C000
Status: Unavailable

Only when scanner is not working, otherwise it states
On Port: \\. \HP4200C000
Status: Device Ready

Its so irritating that to scan a single-page document i need to
restart my system. Hope you people must have some solution.

Best regards,

is it a

Scanjet 4200c
Scanjet 4200cse
Scanjet 4200cxi

have you tried updating the software?


Yes its a HP ScanJet 4200C

I didn't tried updating the software. But I was going thru Help Files of "HP
scanning software"

It says:
The HP ScanJet scanner does not work under Windows NT. You will need to
install Windows 98 or return the HP ScanJet scanner and purchase another HP
scanner that works with your system.

Am I at dead end?

Steve Parry [MVP]

Murtaza said:
Yes its a HP ScanJet 4200C

I didn't tried updating the software. But I was going thru Help Files
of "HP scanning software"

It says:
The HP ScanJet scanner does not work under Windows NT. You will need
to install Windows 98 or return the HP ScanJet scanner and purchase
another HP scanner that works with your system.

Am I at dead end?

NT4 does'nt support USB which is why HP have made that statement.

Windows 2000 & XP do support USB, I'm assuming that as your posting in a
Win 2000 group that that is your OS?


I apologize for the late reply, i was on vacation.

Yes I have the Windows 2000 operating system. This is new for me that NT
doesn't support USB. Thanks Steve, so finally its USB neither scanner nor
Windows 2000?

Any solution?

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