Runing a Slide Show on dual Monitors while working?



Ok I have a presentation runing on one screen and would like to keep it
going while I work on the other screen. The problem I am having is that
once I attempt to work the powerpoint presentaion stops moving. Does
anyone know how to change this so that I can work on one screen and run
the show on the other?

Austin Myers

PowerPoint stops running because it has lost the focus, this is not a bug,
its by design. Unless you have a very powerful machine doing this is not
recommended at all. You will find your PC will do both tasks, very poorly.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia


Thanks for the info. The Pc that is being used is a brand new dell
3.0ghz p-4 1 gb ram 80 gb hdd. Is there a way to make it so that the
show will run on the second screen and allow the user to keep working

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