RMA'd one of my RAM sticks, Windows deactivating.


Richard Urban

Sorry. I meant that I was not given the option to reactivate as my system
was still activated.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Richard said:
Actually Frank, this happened to me when updating a SATA driver that was
made available through Vista update.

After a reboot the O/S saw itself as being on a new hard drive and my
system was then designated as Not Genuine. The funny thing is that I was
not offered the option to revalidate. My validation was still good. So,
I was stuck between a rock and a hard place with no way to exit.

I ended up going back to a system image I had created about 24 hours

I challenged john's use of the term "plenty". The use of the term
"plenty" implies..."a large quantity or amount; an abundance"....

Richard Urban


I actually wasn't upset that the problem happened. Had I thought about it
prior to updating, I would have "expected" it to happen. What pissed me off
was that it was unrecoverable by normal methods.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Richard said:

I actually wasn't upset that the problem happened. Had I thought about
it prior to updating, I would have "expected" it to happen. What pissed
me off was that it was unrecoverable by normal methods.
I think I read where one person simply rebooted and the system was then


Frank said:
john wrote:

No bozo, you made the claim, now you back it up...or shut up!

from the MVP's and fanboys primer, rule #5:

5) Make stuff up. Technical expertise is not required on your part. Just
reply with baffling diatribes comprised of whatever you can pull out of
your butt. The more mind-numbing stupidity the better, this serves to leave
posters with that "deer in the headlights" look while they try and
comprehend what you just said. At the very least, this ought to keep them
quiet for a while. And whatever you do, never fall into the trap of having
to "prove" you point. Tell the posters to prove theirs instead. We are
above such things.

....sorry kid, but I don't play "I know you are but what am I?"


Frank said:
I challenged john's use of the term "plenty". The use of the term "plenty"
implies..."a large quantity or amount; an abundance"....

uhm, no you didn't.
here's your quote:

"....No bozo, you made the claim, now you back it up...or shut up!

I don't see the word "plenty" in there anywhere... do you? or is mindreading
a requirement to communicate with you?
nice backpedal tho...


Richard Urban said:
As for you John. I call it like I see it. If something is true, I will
speak it as such.

I know, I've noticed that - kudos to you when you do...

- "Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very
efficient. There's a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning."
- Bill Gates


john wrote:

...sorry kid, but I don't play "I know you are but what am I?"

Troll rule #1.
Avoid answering the question at all cost even if it makes you look the
fool you really are.
(smirk, snort, rip, belch, burp)


john wrote:

I don't see the word "plenty" in there anywhere... do you? or is mindreading
a requirement to communicate with you?
nice backpedal tho...

OMG, you're even dumber than I originally suspected.
Read'em and weep bozo.

from john..."There are plenty of posts here from users who have had to
reactivate just
The third (that's 3) word in your statement is "plenty".


Frank said:
john wrote:

OMG, you're even dumber than I originally suspected.
Read'em and weep bozo.

from john..."There are plenty of posts here from users who have had to
reactivate just

The third (that's 3) word in your statement is "plenty".

What's pathetic, besides your manners, is that you readily accept
activation, WGA, etc. as if it were normal to be accused of being a
thief until you prove otherwise.


Tom Lake

No bozo, you made the claim, now you back it up...or shut up!

Here are a few:

Feb 11 by Anthony, Mar 9 by Flubster, Mar 9 by Mike Streuber,
Feb 3 by Sly Dog. It also happened to me although I didn't post it.

Tom Lake

Nina DiBoy

Transa said:
Sent one of my two 1GB DIMMs back to the manufacturer this week,
Windows says I need to reactivate due to hardware changes.

The problem is, I have already installed Vista 3 times on this system
because of poor NVIDIA drivers so I think I have no reactivations

2 questions:

1. How can I get through to an actual person at Microsoft without
paying the $59 tech support charge (installed Vista on Jan 31 so 90
days support is up)?

2. When I get the RAM stick back, will it reactivate itself or will
I have to do it all over again?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Yet another example where WPA only inconveniences paying customers and
does not stop piracy.

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"It would be nice if there was a check to see if you were running an
activated/validated version of Windows before you were allowed to post
in any
of these news groups. If you're not activated/validated your post
automatically gets deleted.
That would get rid of the Linsux Luzzzzzzzzers once and for all."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


Frank said:
john wrote:

Troll rule #1.
Avoid answering the question at all cost even if it makes you look the
fool you really are.
(smirk, snort, rip, belch, burp)

"... (smirk, snort, rip, belch, burp) ..."
....and you say -I- look like a fool?
you've been on Springer... haven't you?

"Our vision and our mandate is to give customers the kind of holistic,
simple experiences they want, and we do that every day."
- Steve Ballmer

"Since when has the world of computer software design been about what people
- Bill Gates


Tom Lake said:
Here are a few:

Feb 11 by Anthony, Mar 9 by Flubster, Mar 9 by Mike Streuber,
Feb 3 by Sly Dog. It also happened to me although I didn't post it.

Tom Lake

it doesn't matter, Frank is in his own twisted little bizarro universe.
he sees what he wants to see.

I'm betting the last time he saw his own fist it required the use of a
strobe light.

- "There are people who don't like capitalism, and people who don't like
PCs. But there's no-one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft"
- Bill Gates, Free Market and the LA Times


Frank said:
john wrote:

OMG, you're even dumber than I originally suspected.
Read'em and weep bozo.

from john..."There are plenty of posts here from users who have had to
reactivate just

The third (that's 3) word in your statement is "plenty".

you OTOH are just exactly as dumb as I thought YOU were...
Let me rephrase it then, and I'll try to use small words.

I don't see the word "plenty" in YOUR RESPONSE anywhere... do you?
(sorry for the words containing -two- syllables)

Adam Albright

john wrote:

Troll rule #1.
Avoid answering the question at all cost even if it makes you look the
fool you really are.
(smirk, snort, rip, belch, burp)

Frank's Rule #1:

Keep playing the fool, just in case anybody missed some of his
previous posts that confirms that's all Frank is.

Nina DiBoy

Frank said:
john wrote:

Troll rule #1.
Avoid answering the question at all cost even if it makes you look the
fool you really are.
(smirk, snort, rip, belch, burp)

Troll rule #2.
Post all out of control bodily functions with the group, ex. (smirk,
snort, rip, belch, burp)

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"It would be nice if there was a check to see if you were running an
activated/validated version of Windows before you were allowed to post
in any
of these news groups. If you're not activated/validated your post
automatically gets deleted.
That would get rid of the Linsux Luzzzzzzzzers once and for all."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


john said:
it doesn't matter, Frank is in his own twisted little bizarro universe.
he sees what he wants to see.

I'm betting the last time he saw his own fist it required the use of a
strobe light.

Well john said "plenty" had that problem. Not a "few". But he can't
admit that. It doesn't matter cause john is nothing more than a brain
dead lying linux troll from trash dot. He bows down to RS & LT (smirk).
Hell, he couldn't even find his own ass if allowed to use both hands and
have the lights turned on.


john said:
you OTOH are just exactly as dumb as I thought YOU were...
Let me rephrase it then, and I'll try to use small words.

I don't see the word "plenty" in YOUR RESPONSE anywhere... do you?
(sorry for the words containing -two- syllables)
OMG, you are really stupidly pathetic to the point of not being able to
comprehend what you've just read and probably can't remember what you've
just posted.
Get help you little weakling linux loser troll.

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