right clicking desktop icons crashes windows explorer then dr. wat



every time i right click an icon on the desktop windows explorer crashes then
dr. watson crashes. I'm using windows xp pro. i've had this system for almost
two years now and haven't had any problem until recently.

Don Taylor

=?Utf-8?B?TXpyaWRkbGU=?= said:
every time i right click an icon on the desktop windows explorer crashes then
dr. watson crashes. I'm using windows xp pro. i've had this system for almost
two years now and haven't had any problem until recently.

Any chance you might have installed SP2 some time ago?

Google->groups->advanced search in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
for windows explorer problems or windows explorer crashes or...
you get the idea, That will give you some idea of the number of
folks having similar problems.

Few seem to get advice that actually fixes this, but you might get lucky.
I used XP for 18 months and saw very few problems, amazingly enough,
until I installed SP2 and you can find my description of what happened
with the same google search. SP2 broke something in Windows Explorer
for some people and either nobody knows what it is or nobody is telling.

I hope it works out for you

Daniel Crichton

Mzriddle wrote on Tue, 15 Mar 2005 23:17:01 -0800:
every time i right click an icon on the desktop windows explorer crashes
then dr. watson crashes. I'm using windows xp pro. i've had this system
for almost two years now and haven't had any problem until recently.

In the past I've found crashes or lockups due to right clicking on anything
in Explorer is due to a non-MS application that uses Shell Extensions to add
options to the right click menu. Probably a good place to start looking


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