Retrieving Outlook Messages in Vista



I have recently purchased a computer with Vista and Office 2007 that did
not include Outlook. I first tried to use Windows Mail that came in Vista,
but because I use several computers with Windows XP on them, I could not open
the Windows Mail files in the XP computers. So...I installed Outlook 2003 on
my Vista machine and things were working pretty well.

However, now when I save the Outlook messages to a folder, they are saved as
..msg files and I cannot get them to open when I click on them. I saved them
in Outlook message format.

What do I need to do to be able to retrieve these Outlook messages or
messages that were saved in previous months?



Have you applied Office SP3 and use Google Desktop Search? The latest version
GDS is causing problems with Outlook opening .msg files.


I did the Service Pack 3 for Outlook 2003, but do not know anything about the
Google Desktop Search. Can I disable or delete that?


I uninstalled Outlook 2003 and reinstalled it, and the problems seems to be
corrected. We will see. At least I can open the saved Outlook messages in
various folders.

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