Request: Microsoft to Create a "Service Pack" Specific Group



I disagree with all the responses I had about creating a Service Pack
specific NG.

I am not asking for a new Group for each SP for each OS. Jjust one
group that relates to Service Pack related problems.

I don't care if its, Microsoft.Public.Windows.Service-Packs



Whichever would work but the "General" topic is just not specific

I only found this "General" by accident. I certainly would NOT have
come searching here for SP related issues had there not been so many
here already.

I formally request that Microsoft create a group that is on topic and
related to the Extremely problematic SP release for Vista.

I guess if this SP1 for Vista wasn't such a unique monster, I might
not have requested this and would have accepted "Genera" as good

Thanks for the consideration.



OK then why is it unreasonable to find a category called "Updates"?
Leave the Service Pack out of the picture but the point is that MS is
notorius for SP's as well as Hot Fixes.
So let's create a group called Udates.
Why fight the obvious.....It really does make sense.

This is what said:
This is not Microsoft. It's a peer-to-peer public newsgroup "staffed" by
Why do you find it difficult to start a thread for whatever problem(s)
you're having?

Many problems that appear to be SP related and are in fact Vista General

You can also choose any of the following newsgroups: center

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Trevor said:
I disagree with all the responses I had about creating a Service Pack
specific NG.

I am not asking for a new Group for each SP for each OS. Jjust one
group that relates to Service Pack related problems.

I don't care if its, Microsoft.Public.Windows.Service-Packs



Whichever would work but the "General" topic is just not specific

I only found this "General" by accident. I certainly would NOT have
come searching here for SP related issues had there not been so many
here already.

I formally request that Microsoft create a group that is on topic and
related to the Extremely problematic SP release for Vista.

I guess if this SP1 for Vista wasn't such a unique monster, I might
not have requested this and would have accepted "Genera" as good

Thanks for the consideration.



Michael Jennings

It is not unreasonable to find a category called Windows Update.
Steer the Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118 newsreader you are using to
and post your reasonable question about Vista SP1.

zachd [MSFT]

It would be generally against the newsgroup group creation guidelines (as I
understand them) for this to happen. Thus I would think that this is very
much not possible. So, it's an interesting idea, but not really viable TMK.

(I looked into these a while ago when potentially asking for one of my
group's newsgroups to be deleted. Unfortunately, the bar for change is
understandably high.)

Ken Blake, MVP

I disagree with all the responses I had about creating a Service Pack
specific NG.

I am not asking for a new Group for each SP for each OS. Jjust one
group that relates to Service Pack related problems.

I don't care if its, Microsoft.Public.Windows.Service-Packs



Whichever would work but the "General" topic is just not specific

I only found this "General" by accident. I certainly would NOT have
come searching here for SP related issues had there not been so many
here already.

I formally request that Microsoft create a group that is on topic and
related to the Extremely problematic SP release for Vista.

You are welcome to disagree, but let me point out that you are not
formally requesting anything here.

This is not Microsoft you are addressing. This is a peer support
newsgroup, where we all try to help each other with Vista problems. If
you want to request something from Microsoft, you'll need to contact
them directly. Your request won't be heard here.

Bruce Chambers

Trevor said:
I disagree with all the responses I had about creating a Service Pack
specific NG.

Sorry you didn't get the answer you liked, but that's the risk you run
when you ask the question of the wrong people. This is a peer support
group, and no one here is "Officially, at least) acting as a Microsoft
employee or representative.

Personally, though, I think it'd be just plain counter-productive, as
well as highly counter-intuitive to separate postings about Service
Packs separately from the products so affected. Why should users have
to hunt down a separate newsgroup to find information about dozens of
different products, when they can already find those newsgroups
dedicated to said products? It'd be an extra, and totally unnecessary,


Bruce Chambers

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killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot

Michael Jennings

Bruce Chambers said:
Sorry you didn't get the answer you liked, but that's the risk you run

Testy Trevor found his Vista SP1 incompatibility with MUI question answered
in the WU group, Bruce - TaurArian had posted a link to a Microsoft blog.
news:[email protected]


This is what said:
Testy Trevor found his Vista SP1 incompatibility with MUI question answered
in the WU group, Bruce - TaurArian had posted a link to a Microsoft blog.

Not "Testy" just trying to get information.
If you really want to help you would be more informative rather than



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