Report Challenge



Hi Folks - Here's the situation .....

Let's say this is a medical test database. A doctor can order up to 10
tests. Sometimes they order 3 tests, sometimes 9 tests, etc. It would be
easy for me to create a report that lists the number of tests per doctor.
However, I need to produce a one-page report that lists all 10 tests, then
count the number of times that the doctor ordered the test. If he did not
order a test, then the test should have a count of zero. Any thoughts on
this? Thanks.


Duane Hookom

Without tables and fields to store data, this might be difficult. If you
have tables and fields, you should tell us about them. I expect there will
be a table of each different test type but I am not certain.


Sorry ... I do have tables and fields .... here's is a simple example. I
have a doctor's table, a test table, and a junction table that stores the
doctor number, test number and test date. The data is entered within a
form/subform situation. I hope that helps a little.


Duane Hookom

Aren't there patients or samples or something involved here? Are doctors
getting tested? Does the junction table have a unique index on the primary
keys from the doctor and test tables?


Duane - Nope, just doctors, tests and dates. Doctors order up to 10 tests on
any given date. I just want to count the number of tests per doctor, but I
always need all 10 tests to be displayed on a one page report whether they
were ordered or not. Thanks.


Duane Hookom

I would first create a cartesian query (qcarDrTest) like:
SELECT d.*, t.*
FROM Doctors d, Test t;

This should include all combinations of information from both tables. Then
create a final query that uses you junction table and qcarDrTest. Set your
join lines to include all records from qcarDrTest.

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