Repeating Date Entry



I have created a "CHART" based on a query. The query is set up to ask for a
date parameter, [Enter Beginning Date] And [Enter Ending Date]. The problem
is that when I run the chart (in a report) it asks me for the date parameter
THREE times? And then when it is done, it first gives me a blank page and
then I click on NEXT page it shows my chart, but also starts asking me for
the Date Paramater all over again. Each time I enter the date parameter, it
produces another blank page. This can continue over and over. Please help!


Instead of using simple system generated parameter prompts, use controls on
an unbound dialogue form, txtStart and txtEnd say and in the query reference
the controls as the parameters, e.g.

….WHERE YourDate BETWEEN Forms!frmChartParams!txtStart
AND Forms!frmChartParams!txtEnd

Open the report with a button on the form, or maybe two buttons, one to
print it, one to preview it.

Another advantage of using a form for the parameters is that you can do
things such as using input masks for the text boxes, and including some
validation code in the button's Click event procedure, e.g. to ensure that
both dates have been entered and that the end date is not earlier than the
start date.

The blank pages may be a formatting problem. Check for such things as the
width of the design area in the report exceeding the page width, or a new
page being forced by the settings of a report section's properties.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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