repeatedly "repairing" connection to maintain internet connect



My cable internet repeatedly cuts out - it seems to happen often when I
am multi-tasking with AIM and multiple browser (firefox windows). I
was initially restarting each time, recreating a connection and hoping
the connection would stick, before discovering that right-clicking
"Repair" on the connection fixes it quickly, though the connection will
likely cut-out within 7-10 minutes.

The cable modem appears to be working fine, with proper lights
indicating connection and transmission. Any clue how to fix this?



My cable internet repeatedly cuts out - it seems to happen often when I
am multi-tasking with AIM and multiple browser (firefox windows). I
was initially restarting each time, recreating a connection and hoping
the connection would stick, before discovering that right-clicking
"Repair" on the connection fixes it quickly, though the connection will
likely cut-out within 7-10 minutes.

The cable modem appears to be working fine, with proper lights
indicating connection and transmission. Any clue how to fix this?


Winsock Repair Utility:

Now, after you fixed the winsock settings, reboot, and optimize them for your connection:
Download TCP Optimizer:

Another reported fix:
Click Start-> Run-> services.msc and click OK.
Find "Computer Browser", right-click it, and select "Properties".
Change the Startup type from "Automatic" to "Manual", then Stop and Restart the service.

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