remote connection to Windows 2000



Is there a way to have a remote desktop connection into Windows 2000?

From what I understand there is not a remote desktop connection like XP, but
wondering if there is another way to connect to a windows 2000 pc across a

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Sorry, this won't work. If you read the bottom of the article you refer
to then you will see that terminal services are only available for
Windows 2000 server, not workstation. The OP would have to
use WinXP Pro or a third-party product such as WinVNC, as
mentioned by paganize.


It's for me or an other administrator to log on to a 2000 workstation pc if
needed (not server).

I tried downloading the remote desktop download from microsoft, but figured
it wouldn't be that easy.

What do you recommend being the simpliest and easiest way to implement this?

I'm not familiar with either netmeeting or vnc

Pegasus \(MVP\)

I have used WinVNC extensively. You will probably find that
it's not straightforward to set it up until you become familiar
with its concept. Post again if you need more help!

Sid Elbow

Is there a way to have a remote desktop connection into Windows 2000?

From what I understand there is not a remote desktop connection like XP, but
wondering if there is another way to connect to a windows 2000 pc across a

I've used RealVNC for some years. It's straightforward to install - a
main program (server) on the target machine with a viewer on the other
machines. For a basic install it's mostly a question of using the
defaults and choosing the security settings you prefer. I had mine
running (top floor of my house to basement machine) in about 5 - 10 minutes.


I was able to test it and get it to work in net meeting. I can try to look
into WinVnc and see how that works. Net meeting seems to work for what I
need it for.

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