regsvr32 regwizc.dll and regsvr32 licdll.dll isn't doing it



I've tried regsvr32 regwizc.dll and regsvr32 licdll.dll to get the activation
to go away but it just wont even though windows acknowledges that they were
successful when I run them. What do I do now? I have one day left before I
have to re-install yet again


MWE056 said:
I've tried regsvr32 regwizc.dll and regsvr32 licdll.dll to get the activation
to go away but it just won't even though windows acknowledges that they were
successful when I run them. What do I do now? I have one day left before I
have to re-install yet again.

Well, there are plenty of archived discussions on the subject. Limit
your search to the threads with more than one author. Try changing the
parameters of the search to increase the quality or quantity of the
results. I hope this helps.

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