Rebooting after every installation required or not?



I would like to know if I need to reboot every time I am installing a series
of applications such as drivers that require you to "reboot before they
become effective".

For example I am now installing some windows updates, a few require
"reboots", can I install them and then do one big reboot to cover them all,
thus saving time, or should I reboot after installing each of them, is their
any technical difference? Will one be better and more secure than the other


it is ok to install as many as you can before rebooting.

And it's ok to play with fire, as long as you're willing to get burnt!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


News said:
I would like to know if I need to reboot every time I am installing a series
of applications such as drivers that require you to "reboot before they
become effective".

For example I am now installing some windows updates, a few require
"reboots", can I install them and then do one big reboot to cover them all,
thus saving time, or should I reboot after installing each of them, is their
any technical difference? Will one be better and more secure than the other

I don't take the risk - if it asks to reboot I do so. YMMV


News said:
So are you saying that this can cause problems?

That's the general meaning of playing with fire. Will it definitely
cause a problem? No. What it does is add to the probability that
something may go wrong.6+

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


i have done this scince working on pc's ( years as a tech) and have never
had problems. do your self a faver and save some time!!

Don Burnette

News said:
I would like to know if I need to reboot every time I am installing a
series of applications such as drivers that require you to "reboot
before they become effective".

For example I am now installing some windows updates, a few require
"reboots", can I install them and then do one big reboot to cover
them all, thus saving time, or should I reboot after installing each
of them, is their any technical difference? Will one be better and
more secure than the other method?

I generally will do 2-3 that require a reboot, then reboot. These updates
finish installing when the system is booting back up, so I would not feel
comfortable having it install several at one time.

Steve N.

kurttrail said:
That's the general meaning of playing with fire. Will it definitely
cause a problem? No. What it does is add to the probability that
something may go wrong.6+

My experience has been that if an installation is pending a reboot in
order to finish the OS notifies that a subsequent installation attempt
cannot be started until the previous pending installation finishes. In
some cases where such a warning didn't occur and one or more
installations have failed as a result it has been my experience that
re-installing the failed ones procedes without major incident. I don't
ever recall seeing anything catastophic hapening as a result.



Steve said:
My experience has been that if an installation is pending a reboot in
order to finish the OS notifies that a subsequent installation attempt
cannot be started until the previous pending installation finishes. In
some cases where such a warning didn't occur and one or more
installations have failed as a result it has been my experience that
re-installing the failed ones procedes without major incident. I don't
ever recall seeing anything catastophic hapening as a result.

Ok. Tell the noobs to play with fire. When it comes to installing
software, drivers, and patches, I become quite conservative, and err on
the side of caution. Much harder to get burned that way.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Steve N.

kurttrail said:
Ok. Tell the noobs to play with fire. When it comes to installing
software, drivers, and patches, I become quite conservative, and err on
the side of caution. Much harder to get burned that way.

Well, I don't blame you for being cautious but it's just a difference in
attitude, practice and prefernece I suppose. Regarless, I was just
giving my experience with installing things.



Steve N. said:
Well, I don't blame you for being cautious but it's just a difference in
attitude, practice and prefernece I suppose. Regarless, I was just giving
my experience with installing things.


Actually there usually a technical answer to this question. I mean probably
somewhere some technical can say decisively one way or the toher which is
the correct proceedure.

Peter Foldes

the best technical answer will come from your Windows OS. That is why newsgroups like this one is always active.


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.


Peter said:
the best technical answer will come from your Windows OS. That is why
newsgroups like this one is always active.

And what kind of answers do you get from your Windows OS? Do you talk
to it often?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Steve N.

Comm said:
Actually there usually a technical answer to this question. I mean probably
somewhere some technical can say decisively one way or the toher which is
the correct proceedure.

When you have the choice then it is up to you to decide. If the
installer says it needs to reboot to finish and gives you the choice
then it's your choice, if the next thing you try to install before
rebooting says it can't because of a pending install needing a reboot
then you'll have to reboot, and some installers say it must reboot now
and doesn't give you a choice and reboots automatically.

I already gave my technical experinece as a technician. I've worked on
thousands and thousands of computers and I've never seen a major issue
delaying a reboot and installing something else when able to. I doubt
you'll find any authorative technical documentation on this.

It's your choice when you have it, do what works for you.


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