Reboot problems

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My wifes computer crashed during shut down and continuously tries to re-boot.
It gets as har as the end of the welcome screen and then re-boots again.

I can start it ok in safe mode and there appears to be no problems with any
of the hardware.

When I reboot into normal mode it starts the reboot cyle all over again. No
new software has been added recently and all XP fixes are installed.

Can nayone help me with suggestions on how to fix this - It is highly
unlikely to be a virus.

Hi Graham

On the same screen as the access to Safe Mode - try 'Last Known Good
Configuration'. See if that gives you access to Windows normally.
Hi Denny

Thanks for prompt reply - unfortunately have tried this and it didn't work -
I suspect it is a driver problem but have no idead as to which it might be

Hi Graham

Don't worry about that - I've been called worse :-) Have you tried a System
Restore via Safe Mode? Failing that you will have to try a 'Repair' install
of XP.
Hi thanks for that

Apparently (I'm at work at the moment) it started ok this am.

If I get more problems I'll do as you suggest and post it back as you ask

Hi again Will

No I haven't tried that but will do if further problems (I'm told it started
ok this am)

Hi Graham

Try the system from a cold start to see if it boots up properly. Leave the
system off for about 20 minutes before re-starting.
Hi Treeman

Sorry for not getting back sooner but computer worked OK yesterday.

Did as you said and unchecked Auto restart.

Did a couple of things on the computer and then tried a restart

Got bule screen of near death with the following:

STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005, 0X80578F0B, 0XF8C24908, 0X00000000)

Did anoth restart

Got another blue screen with


STOP: 0X0000000A (0X760C703B, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X804EB3EB)

each time I restart get a different blue scrren.

I have also tried a system restore in safe mode but this didn't work either.

If I leave the computer off for about 30 mins or so it seems to start up ok
and can run for quite a time without any problems .

The problem seems to generate when either closing down Netscape or
attenmpting shutdown from the start button.

Any help greatfully received (got to keep the wife happy!)

Hi Treeman

Sorry for not getting back sooner but computer worked OK yesterday.

Did as you said and unchecked Auto restart.

Did a couple of things on the computer and then tried a restart

Got bule screen of near death with the following:

STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005, 0X80578F0B, 0XF8C24908, 0X00000000)

Did another restart

Got another blue screen with


STOP: 0X0000000A (0X760C703B, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X804EB3EB)

each time I restart get a different blue scrren.

I have also tried a system restore in safe mode but this didn't work either.

If I leave the computer off for about 30 mins or so it seems to start up ok
and can run for quite a time without any problems (problem only seems to
occur now on shutdown).

I guess this points to a driver error but as I have not added any new h/war
or software lately have no idea how or where to look)

Any help greatfully received (got to keep the wife happy!)

Ok this is my first time posting a reply so I hope it ends up where it

Anyway I had a big problem with stop codes like the 0x8e and the for not
equal to and such.It started out just now and then but happened more and

In my case it was my 512k SDRAM stick I had two sticks.I was told by my
video board tech it sounded like a board problem.Well I pulled out the
original stick and it has been working fine.
Anyway good luck.
Graham said:
Hi Treeman

Sorry for not getting back sooner but computer worked OK yesterday.

Did as you said and unchecked Auto restart.

Did a couple of things on the computer and then tried a restart

Got bule screen of near death with the following:

STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005, 0X80578F0B, 0XF8C24908, 0X00000000)

Did anoth restart

Got another blue screen with


STOP: 0X0000000A (0X760C703B, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X804EB3EB)

each time I restart get a different blue scrren.

I have also tried a system restore in safe mode but this didn't work

If I leave the computer off for about 30 mins or so it seems to start up
and can run for quite a time without any problems .

The problem seems to generate when either closing down Netscape or
attenmpting shutdown from the start button.

Any help greatfully received (got to keep the wife happy!)


Thanks for getting back (I know what you mean about posting - fairly new
here myself).

The computer in question only has one 256 stick and this has been replaced
recently to try and stop the error - didn't have any effect so has been put
back again - I'm still pretty sure it's a drive problem but why it should
suddenly start I don't know and it does just seem to have started after the
last batch of updates.


KJL said:
Ok this is my first time posting a reply so I hope it ends up where it

Anyway I had a big problem with stop codes like the 0x8e and the for not
equal to and such.It started out just now and then but happened more and

In my case it was my 512k SDRAM stick I had two sticks.I was told by my
video board tech it sounded like a board problem.Well I pulled out the
original stick and it has been working fine.
Anyway good luck.
Graham said:
Hi Treeman

Sorry for not getting back sooner but computer worked OK yesterday.

Did as you said and unchecked Auto restart.

Did a couple of things on the computer and then tried a restart

Got bule screen of near death with the following:

STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005, 0X80578F0B, 0XF8C24908, 0X00000000)

Did anoth restart

Got another blue screen with


STOP: 0X0000000A (0X760C703B, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0X804EB3EB)

each time I restart get a different blue scrren.

I have also tried a system restore in safe mode but this didn't work

If I leave the computer off for about 30 mins or so it seems to start up
and can run for quite a time without any problems .

The problem seems to generate when either closing down Netscape or
attenmpting shutdown from the start button.

Any help greatfully received (got to keep the wife happy!)

Hi Treeman

Must have got wires crossed somewhere

Computer still not fixed but I'm trying a fiddle at the moment - the problem
only seems to occur on shut-down so have installed "fastshut down" and am
trying this to see if it helps any - I know it's not the answer but may stop
the tech support phone calls to me at work until I can get to the root cause
and fix it. Needs her to try it out properly next week to see if it by-passes
the problem or not. Hate not fixing it properly but there you go!!!
