Reading Email Attachments



I have had no trouble sending/reading text and spreadsheet data from my old
Mac to my Windows 95 laptop. I am unable to view the attachments on my new XP
MSWorks PC. MSworks doesn't seem to recognize older works material. Is this
so? My Mac automatically translated .sit documents. My new PC doesn't.
Appreciate help in my full transition to PCs.

Jim Macklin

MS has WORKS converters to allow older files to be
read/edited. There are many difference between the Mac and
PC versions of applications with the same names, such as

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| I have had no trouble sending/reading text and spreadsheet
data from my old
| Mac to my Windows 95 laptop. I am unable to view the
attachments on my new XP
| MSWorks PC. MSworks doesn't seem to recognize older works
material. Is this
| so? My Mac automatically translated .sit documents. My new
PC doesn't.
| Appreciate help in my full transition to PCs.


Repeating my note in other question, having sender use RTF format solved
problem. Issues closed

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