Read-only won't disable so I can't copy any files



Help please. I can't back up any files to CD or disc. (this is a recent problem)

All my folders have the read-only box checked and won't permanently uncheck.

I'm using Windows XP and Office professional.

In the properties box attached to the file the read-only box is empty. But when I try to copy to a CD this is the error message: this is a read-only folder. So I go to the properties box of the folder and sure enough the read-only box is ticked and greyed in. I uncheck the bock, Apply and OK. But nothing changes, when I check the properties box of the folder the read-only box is greyed and ticked again. No matter how many times, no matter if I turn off the computer.

This happens with word and rtf documents.I haven't tried anything else. But presume the same problem will apply because the My Documents folder is read-only checked and won't uncheck.

I think this problem only occured after I tried to run the network set up wizard. The setup was unsucssesful and incomplete.

Any and all help will be very much appreciated.

Thank you


Randy W.

Go to Windows Explorer and right click on the folder that you "used to" have
permission to and are now shown as Read Only.

Right click on the folder and choose Properties.
Click on the tab at the top that says Security
Click the button that says Advanced
Click Add...
Type the name or click the user then click OK
Now click the Allow box on the row that says Full Control
When back at the previous window, click the button that says
"Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries ..."
Click OK
Click OK again

Should be all set.


mema said:
Help please. I can't back up any files to CD or disc. (this is a recent problem)

All my folders have the read-only box checked and won't permanently uncheck.

I'm using Windows XP and Office professional.

In the properties box attached to the file the read-only box is empty. But
when I try to copy to a CD this is the error message: this is a read-only
folder. So I go to the properties box of the folder and sure enough the
read-only box is ticked and greyed in. I uncheck the bock, Apply and OK. But
nothing changes, when I check the properties box of the folder the read-only
box is greyed and ticked again. No matter how many times, no matter if I
turn off the computer.
This happens with word and rtf documents.I haven't tried anything else.
But presume the same problem will apply because the My Documents folder is
read-only checked and won't uncheck.
I think this problem only occured after I tried to run the network set up
wizard. The setup was unsucssesful and incomplete.

David Candy

Because CDs are read only devices. Think of the differences between a notepad (hard drive) and a book (CD). You don't scribble in the book because it's a read only device. You do scribble in the notebook cause it's a read/write drvice.

Obviously something can write to books as we wouldn't have any otherwise. But this is not a pen but a machine. So think of CDs as a book, something you can't write to. To make a CD one needs a printing press (a CDRom burner). But a printing press isn't a pen.

Alex Nichol

mema said:
Help please. I can't back up any files to CD or disc. (this is a recent problem)

All my folders have the read-only box checked and won't permanently uncheck.

I'm using Windows XP and Office professional.

In the properties box attached to the file the read-only box is empty. But when I try to copy to a CD this is the error message: this is a read-only folder. So I go to the properties box of the folder and sure enough the read-only box is ticked and greyed in. I uncheck the bock, Apply and OK. But nothing changes, when I check the properties box of the folder the read-only box is greyed and ticked again. No matter how many times, no matter if I turn off the computer.

What software are you using? Read-only is an attribute that has no
meaning for folders, XP uses it for a different purpose, and the
software should not even be looking at it

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