RE : After installing SP2 my Start-Menu disappear...



Hi guys,

Don't know if you know this situation? After updating with SP2, everything
on my desktop just disappear, Start-Menu, Task Bar, Short Cut, everything.
I just can't get them show up, and only could open the program from Task
Manager. Why did I install SP2?? Anyone could help me to fix it? Or can I
use Windows XP dick to repair or re-install again? Thanks!!!


You can uninstalling the SP2 from your computer. To remove SP2

follow the follwing Article ID : 875350 from

and before you try to update again to SP2 make sure you have domne the
follwing update
1) your computer should be free virus and spywares
2) have the updates of your antivirus
3) have the updates of the softwares running on the computer, especially
which came with the computer

Hope this helps

All the best


Art said:
Hi guys,

Don't know if you know this situation? After updating with SP2, everything
on my desktop just disappear, Start-Menu, Task Bar, Short Cut, everything.
I just can't get them show up, and only could open the program from Task
Manager. Why did I install SP2?? Anyone could help me to fix it? Or can I
use Windows XP dick to repair or re-install again? Thanks!!!

Was the system having problems before SP2 installed? Putting SP2 on a
problem system will not fix it. Also was it clean of all malware?

Here's how to uninstall SP2:
How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer

Then review these links before trying it again:

Installing Service Packs

Pre-Install, Install, Cleaning Up Afterwards

What to Know Before You Download and Install Windows XP Service Pack 2

Get the Latest Updates and Information from Your PC Manufacturer Before
Installing Windows XP Service Pack 2

The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2

Free Technical Support for SP2

Using programs and hardware with Service Pack 2 (SP2);ln;xpsp2swhw



was your issue with SP2 resolved.
If still having the same issue
try following

1) boot from the windows xp CD and and on the screen on which it say Press
enter to run setup
and PRess R to repair

Press "R" to repair and this will take your computer to recovery console
In the recovery console window
Press 1 for c:windows and hit enter
It may ask for Administrator password : type in the passowrd if any or
simply press enter

on the prompt type following
cd $ntservicepackuninstall$\spuinst
and press enter
now type batch spuinst.txt

this will take about 3-4 minutes to complete , after that type exit and hit
and boot the computer in safe mode
in safe mode if you donot have the task bar press ctrl+alt+delete

and click on task manager, then click on New Task and type REGEDIT

In the registry editor

follow the follwing path

Hkey_Local_Machine\Services\CurrentControlSet\RpcSs and on the right pane of
window right click on ObjectName and click modify , then change the value in
box to LocalSystem (make sure L and S are capital)

Close the registry editor
restart the computer in normal mode

Go to control panel -<> add/remove programs->remove SP2

Hope this wil help



I just removed the SP2 and reboot, but it still appears as nothing on screen
and only
could use ctrl+alt+del to open task manager and run program. Don't know how
to do. I'll try to use XP CD to repair Windows, but don't know if it will
work. Besides,
just Repair won't make my data in hard disk disappeared, right?

Mikhail Zhilin

For me that sounds as you got a Trojan (a sort of virus), that prevents system
from booting in whole.

How long ago you ran an antivirus program with the latest virus base?

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
Sorry, no technical support by e-mail.
Please reply to the newsgroups only.



Last time I restore to previous restore-point and it worked, everything back
to normal. But when I install Norton Antivirus few days ago, after computer
it comes again, everything on desktop disappear including start menu, toor
bar, icons. I only could run program via task manager. I scan with norton
again and it
removes some trojan, but still can't process LiveUpdate and the problem
still exists.
And then I try to use old way to restore to previous point, but it doesn't
work this time. How could I do? Only reformat and reinstall all things?

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