Quick Books and Internet Explorer 6.0


Larry Seiler

I have just installed Quick Books Basic 2003. When I try
to run it, I get an error message that says "This version
of Quick Books requires Internet Explorer 6.0." (I called
Quick Books support and they want $179 to talk to a
tecnician.) Internet Explorer 6.0 is already loaded on my
computer. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling IE 6
several times, but nothing has worked. Quick Books still
will not start up.

One thing of interest: when I tried to manually erase the
iexlore.exe file, it will not let me saying it is in use
by another user.


It is a problem with Quickbooks itself. A friend of mine had the same
problem when we upgraded him to XP. They submitted a patch to him. However
they also tried charging him for this but he would have none of it. Stating
that you should not have put out a product in this day and age that is not
XP compliant.

They gave him the patch.

Also.. You cannot delete the iexplorer.exe file because it is so intertwined
with Windows. Almost all applications use it.

If you still cannot get any satisfaction with them then you might want to
try an earlier version of IE (5.5) or so. You would need to uninstall
version 6.0 first.

Robert Aldwinckle

In case it is just a problem with User Agent strings
you could try using ProxOmitron to fake something else.

I still think it should be possible to override User Agent
with RegEdit but it's not as simple as I thought or as some
MSKB articles still imply (at least under NTx).

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