quality of microsoft technical support



I am hearing nothing but horror storys about how bad the
indian tech support is for 98 me xp and broadband.

how they have to send their cases back to the us or
canada because they dont know they're job.

they cannot speak clear english and they put theyre
customers on hold for long unexplained periods.

wondering if any else is hearing the horror storys and if
anyone has experienced the lack of knowledge of these new
india techs?


-----Original Message-----
I recently had a conversation with one of the India techs
and he was more articulate, courteous, and understanding
than most techs I've dealt with.


--------------------------------------------------------- -----------

| I am hearing nothing but horror storys about how bad the
| indian tech support is for 98 me xp and broadband.
| how they have to send their cases back to the us or
| canada because they dont know they're job.
| they cannot speak clear english and they put theyre
| customers on hold for long unexplained periods.
| wondering if any else is hearing the horror storys and if
| anyone has experienced the lack of knowledge of these new
| india techs?
thanks for the response
in addition to being sympathetic and articulate,and

did the tech fix the problem or was this a nontechnical


-----Original Message-----
I recently had a conversation with one of the India techs
and he was more articulate, courteous, and understanding
than most techs I've dealt with.


--------------------------------------------------------- -----------

| I am hearing nothing but horror storys about how bad the
| indian tech support is for 98 me xp and broadband.
| how they have to send their cases back to the us or
| canada because they dont know they're job.
| they cannot speak clear english and they put theyre
| customers on hold for long unexplained periods.
| wondering if any else is hearing the horror storys and if
| anyone has experienced the lack of knowledge of these new
| india techs?
your response is interesting.

do you consider the three qualities you listed to be the
key indicators of good technical support?

no mention of whether it was resolved,or how long it took
or if the tech showed expertise in the os and fixing the

I value resolving issue quickly and showing technical
expertise as top two qualities for good technical support,
I take it you do not value these qualities as highly as
having a pleasant conversation .


The tech offered a solution to my technical problem within
ten minutes.



| >
| >thanks for the response
| in addition to being sympathetic and articulate,and
| courteous,
| did the tech fix the problem or was this a nontechnical
| issue?

R. McCarty

Just a comment on Out-Sourcing Technical Support.

Hewlett-Packard has discovered that using off-shore based
tech support is more costly than when it was handled in the
US by "full-time" HP employees.

Reason - The inexperienced off-shore techs fall back on
replacement/physical service calls where the more experienced
American technicians were able to fix/resolve issues over
the phone.

Articulate and Courteous are no substitutes for knowledge &
experience. You cannot "Teach" technical support, you must
have 1st hand experience to be able to diagnose and analyze
problems. Off-Shore technical support is little more than a
database match and recommend operation.


-----Original Message-----
I am hearing nothing but horror storys about how bad the
indian tech support is for 98 me xp and broadband.

how they have to send their cases back to the us or
canada because they dont know they're job.

they cannot speak clear english and they put theyre
customers on hold for long unexplained periods.

wondering if any else is hearing the horror storys and if
anyone has experienced the lack of knowledge of these new
india techs?
I'm sad to hear that now Microsoft is what I call "
pulling a Dell on you" . I have a Dell pc; my first and
last because of the horrible nonexistant tech support in
India that consist of a typical 1 hour hold time before
anyone picks up on that side. Not only the long drawn out
hold times, but the language barrier, the lack of
knowledge, never calling back when they had scheduled to
do, never calling back at all, most of all, never fixing
the problem properly. It's on account of that, I will
never purchase a Dell for the rest of my life. Now to
hear Microsoft is pulling the same crap, I hope to God I
never need to call them for any problems. If I do, I will
probably stop using microsoft products and use Lnx,etc.
instead. Too make a long story short; it's too late, but
yes, I too have the same problem, but with a different
company in the same location though. I would advise you
to report such horrible experience to the Better Business
Bureau and Federal Trade Commission. I did that and I can
assure it fixed my issue. The Corp office called me in
about 3 days and when I have issues with Tech, I call a
local US # now. Hope this helps.

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