


Can anyone help me find this? This looks like an awesome cd.

a direct dl or ftp would be prefered.
I can NOT use bit torrent as I have a one way cable modem. Phone line upload
cable download. With this broadband type I have never been able to use any
torrent program since they rely on upload to download.

Mark Warner

RCN said:
Can anyone help me find this? This looks like an awesome cd.

a direct dl or ftp would be prefered.
I can NOT use bit torrent as I have a one way cable modem. Phone line
upload cable download. With this broadband type I have never been
able to use any torrent program since they rely on upload to download.

It used to be available here:

....but that appears to now be blocked from the public.

I've got it, and could send it to you via YouSendIt (would need a good
email addy). Might take a while -- 540MB takes some time to upload, even
with my cable connection.

Email me if you can't find it any other way (note munge instructions in
sig line).

Susan Bugher

Mark said:
Why didn't I think of that? :)

The very question I had. ;)

You don't need an email addie though. Send it to yourself, copy the URL
of the download from the web page and post it here. Anyone who is
interested can download (up to the maximum number of recipients
YouSendIt allows).


Mark Warner

Susan said:
You don't need an email addie though. Send it to yourself, copy the
URL of the download from the web page and post it here. Anyone who is
interested can download (up to the maximum number of recipients
YouSendIt allows).

Realized that after I posted earlier.

I'm in the process of uploading as we speak, and have set myself as the
recipient. As soon as I get the link, I'll post it. Again, it will be a
while, probably tomorrow morning. This is a *big* file to upload.

I'm sure I saw it spelled out at one time, but can't be sure... I
*believe* YouSendIt will allow an unlimited number of downloads, but the
file is expired/removed after seven days. The website mentions the seven
days, but that's all I could find after a cursory look.


oh man, a simple link to download from would be great. I'm trying to convert
a warez junky into believing in freeware/shareware. I'm RCN btw, this being
my first news post(ok second, first was my post) I'm really lost. I'm trying
outlook express and grabit and not having success with either one. Heck, it
took me over an hour to figure out how to respond to these messages. I can
see the real value in newsgroups though. Man there are lots of them.


RCN said:
Can anyone help me find this? This looks like an awesome cd.

a direct dl or ftp would be prefered.
I can NOT use bit torrent as I have a one way cable modem. Phone line
upload cable download. With this broadband type I have never been
able to use any torrent program since they rely on upload to download.

If it is any help I'm sharing on Gnutella 2 network. Not a direct download I
know, but once connected, not much slower than when I originally dowloaded
on 56k dial-up. ( I have dsl now) Using Shareaza. Magnet link here:-



I've not found this magnet file after installing Shareaza. But I am
interested in the fact that it says it will do torrents too. Currently I use
emule but am limited to about 5k dl because of the upload situation.
Needless to say this takes long.


Thank you, but i've no clue what a a.b.f. is. :(
(i'm trying to learn without being too much the n00b.)


Ryno said:
I've not found this magnet file after installing Shareaza. But I am
interested in the fact that it says it will do torrents too.
Currently I use emule but am limited to about 5k dl because of the
upload situation.
Needless to say this takes long.

Try the edk link then:


However, if using shareaza connect only to G2 first, and search for pw2004
it should find at least me!


oh man, a simple link to download from would be great. I'm trying to
convert a warez junky into believing in freeware/shareware. I'm RCN
btw, this being my first news post(ok second, first was my post) I'm
really lost. I'm trying outlook express and grabit and not having
success with either one. Heck, it took me over an hour to figure out
how to respond to these messages. I can see the real value in
newsgroups though. Man there are lots of them.

Welcome to acf Ryno :) It took me awhile to (somewhat) figure out how to
read/post to usenet. You're right, there are many newsgroups. The
knowledgebase is unbelievable once you seperate the *wheat from the
chaff* though. ;)'s a good place to get some posting tips for this particular
group Lots of info there.

Have fun! I think you'll find after awhile that acf is one of the nicer
newsgroups. Definatley the place to be if interested in freeware! :)

John Corliss

Ryno said:
Thank you, but i've no clue what a a.b.f. is. :(

It's a newsgroup where you can download stuff (freeware, in this case)
from. However, a 540 mb download from usenet would take you an
unacceptable amount of time unless you have a cable modem and a
subscription to a very fast newsfeed (a server computer somewhere that
you can access to post to and read usenet.)
(i'm trying to learn without being too much the n00b.)

Everybody starts somewhere. Don't sweat it.

Regards from John Corliss
No adware, cdware, commercial software, crippleware, demoware,
nagware, shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses
or warez please.

Because Andy Mabbett is stalking me in this group, I have him killfiled.


John said:
It's a newsgroup where you can download stuff (freeware, in this case)
from. However, a 540 mb download from usenet would take you an
unacceptable amount of time unless you have a cable modem and a
subscription to a very fast newsfeed (a server computer somewhere that
you can access to post to and read usenet.)

I did an 820MB file on 56k dial up recently from a server with 5 days
retention. :)

Mark Warner

Mark said:
I'm in the process of uploading as we speak, and have set myself as
the recipient. As soon as I get the link, I'll post it. Again, it
will be a while, probably tomorrow morning. This is a *big* file to

Connection crapped out overnite.


burnr said:
Welcome to acf Ryno :) It took me awhile to (somewhat) figure out how to
read/post to usenet.

How long did you make if before your first flame? I lasted almost eight
days before I got mine.


pasted the emule link, time will tell. If this doesn't work I'll try the g2
search for pw2004. Thx Lurker

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