
I have burned a video cd using both the Computer 4 profile(1024x768) and the
profile for VIDEO CD (NTSC).

Oddly enough the Profile suggested for playback on computer (#4) renders and
plays back on the DVD Player through my TV with higher clarity and less audio

While the Profile for Computer Playback #4 is decent - it is not really
crisp (like looking at the original photos)

I use NERO and the process is fairly straighforward - I select option to
burn a video cd in NERO - so the source files from PS3 are the only things
that aare different - as the burn process in NERO is only one choice.

Is there some other profile I should test?

Yves Alarie

The resolution on your TV is simply not that great compared to your computer
screen. My own experience (opinion) is that PS3 is great as long as you play
the file on your computer and VCD quality is not worth the effort. I have
not tried copying to DVD yet instead of VCD so maybe someone who has tried
both can tell us if burning to DVD is worth the effort.
There are also other variables to consider, the quality of your DVD player
as well as the quality of your TV and the picture you start with, i.e., the
resolution of your digital camera. So the answer is not so simple.
Papajohn is the expert on PS3 and he is usually around. So wait and see.


Your experience matches with mine too. I think there is something wrong with
the DVD profiles.

See the comparison here:
Computer profile:
DVD Profile:

The loss of quality with dvd profile remains even when converted to MPEG2
and burned on DVD. Previosuly some people had argued that the softness in
dvd version is intentional and it somehow it would look better on a tv. I
cannot see how that can be the case.


I am really having a difficult time. I may not even use the terminology
correctly but I hope I can get some assistance. Ok, I made a photo story on
photo story 3 that I downloaded, but when I tryed to make a copy it would not
show on my home DVD player. Now it will show on my computer. i don't
understand what I'm doing wrong. I am sooooooooo, frustrated. Can anyone
help me?

Michael J. Mahon

MichelleG said:
I am really having a difficult time. I may not even use the terminology
correctly but I hope I can get some assistance. Ok, I made a photo story on
photo story 3 that I downloaded, but when I tryed to make a copy it would not
show on my home DVD player. Now it will show on my computer. i don't
understand what I'm doing wrong. I am sooooooooo, frustrated. Can anyone
help me?

A Photo Story file is playable only by Photo Story.

To create a DVD, you must continue through Photo Story to the page
that allows you to create a .wmv "movie" using Window Media Player,
selecting a profile suitable for DVD or better (see below).

Then you must use another program to convert the .wmv file into a
form (MPEG-2) suitable for burning a DVD. Photo Story does not have
this capability natively.

You will need DVD authoring software that almost certainly came with
your computer or DVD burner to do this conversion and burn to DVD.

(I've added some comments to earlier quoted messages below.)

The NTSC profile filters the images to remove high frequency components
that can cause color aliasing in (especially older) NTSC monitors.

Modern NTSC monitors have no need of this filtering, which reduces the
resolution of the picture.

It is unfortunate that Photo Story does not provide an explicit option
for this filtering. The only way I have found to defeat it is to use
a higher resolution rendering format, like 1024x768, as input to the
DVD authoring application.

No, you have discovered the appropriate fix for the DVD resolution
problem (at least until Microsoft decides to make the NTSC filtering


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