Problem Patching Administrative Install Point



I am having a problem patching an admin install point for an Office 2003
deployment. I am working on a Windows 2000 server. The install of office to
the admin point went great. I now want to apply the patches before I deploy
it. I am using the command line - msiexec /p \\server\Group Policy
Software\patches\outlfltr-fullfile-glb.msp /a \\server\Group Policy

Everything I can find indicates that this should be the command line,
however, when I run this it says that I am using incorrect command line
parameters. I have tried running this directly on the server and from a
Windows XP workstation. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Ken B

it may be you need quotes around items... as it shows in Outlook Express,
the hyperlink to your \\server\group policy ended with the space. I think
you may need to either (a) take out the space in the share or (b) put quotes
around things, so it shows up as:
msiexec /p "\\server\group policy
software\patches\outlfltr-fullfile-glb.msp" /a "\\server\Group Policy



Ken B

Glad I could help! :0 Hair ripping is usually frowned upon--it's usually a
fashion no-no ;-)


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