Problem Exporting to tape (DVR-TRV22)



Hi all,

I have been trying for few days to export (via firewire)
an edited video file to my Camcorder DCR-TRV22 with no

The Camcorder starts recording but nothing is really
recorded to the tape. I have tried several programs such
as Premiere Pro, Ulead VideoStudio and MM2.

The last thing I tried is, following PapaJohn suggestions
is to export to AVI-DV file and then use WinDV. It didn't

I defragmented the HDD, and the file is small (2 minutes,
about 0,5 Gb)


P IV 2 GHz
256 RAM
HDD 40 Gb
Conceptronic firewire card

Can anyone help me?

John Kelly

Hi There,

Well usually in this situation you would be recommended to first create the
file on your hard drive and then transfer it with another program. I am
assuming that you have actually done that. There are not all that many
possibilities left after that. You might want to consider...

1) When were the heads of your camera last cleaned.
2) Do you have a friend who has a camera that could be tried on your system
3) Do you have a friend who has a computer that you could plug into and try
your camera
4) Is the camera defective (I have a camera purchased in February this year
that about two months ago started acting up (Image stabilizer circuit
5) Stand a little way away from the camera and shout at might make
you feel better
6) If everything else fails I have a rapidly diminishing supply of large
heavy hammers, I could sell you one

Seriously though, assuming you did the obvious such as making sure no other
program was running etc, I think you are now in the area of proving whether
the equipment itself is thing I should have mentioned
above....have you proven that the firewire cable is ib good condition and of
course the card itself....sometimes re-seating a card can work wonders.

Brendan J Cuffe

I have seen quite a few postings about this problem recently and have the
same issue myself with a DVR-TRV33 when I connect it to my laptop, but not
when I connect it to my desktop. The desktop exports back to the camera just
fine. The laptop uses a 4 pin/4 pin firewire cable and the desktop uses a 4
pin/6 pin so I guess it is either the hardware in my laptop or the cable. I
hope to borrow a 4 pin/4 pin cable from a friend in the next day or two and
try the laptop again. If it works I shall post back. It may also be
coincidental, but all the postings I have seen about this problem involve
Sony cameras.


John Kelly

Hi there,

Yes I read a message yesterday from Papajohn on the subject of laptops and
sending data back to your camera. What it said was basically that saving
back to camera is going to be poor because of the data rate of laptop hard
drives. A possible solution was the purchase of an external firewire driven
hard drive, provided your laptop can of course accommodate a firewire.

And yes, it does seem odd that owners of Sony cameras have this problem, I
noticed that trend too. I don't know at this time whether to attach any
importance to it.

The number of connections in your firewire cable I believe are related to
the provision of electrical power to the firewire device. Providing power
for external devices from a laptop is not a good idea in general terms.
Laptop power supplies are not very good at the best of times. I have had
the supply replaced four times in my laptop over slightly more than a two
year period.


I have seen quite a few postings about this problem
recently and have the same issue myself with a DVR-TRV33
when I connect it to my laptop, but not when I connect it
to my desktop. The desktop exports back to the camera just
fine. The laptop uses a 4 pin/4 pin firewire cable and the
desktop uses a 4 pin/6 pin so I guess it is either the
hardware in my laptop or the cable. I hope to borrow a 4
pin/4 pin cable from a friend in the next day or two and
try the laptop again. If it works I shall post back. It
may also be coincidental, but all the postings I have seen
about this problem involve Sony cameras.


This is likely not any different than my capture problem from a
Sony TRV22, just in reverse. I would think the same OS dll's
would be used, just in the reverse order.

When I first built my current machine, I plugged in the
camcorder, clicked OK when the capture dialog box popped up and
off it went. It was literally plug and play. I've now been
working on my problem for the better part of a week without
progress. I did change the behaviour of the failure when I was
screwing around but I don't remember which dll's it was since
it's all a blur.

Microsoft needs to have something for multimedia like they have
for data connectivity which is MDAC. Something to get all of
your dll's at the same level so the ones with dependencies can
communicate with each other.



Hi there, it's me again.

I continue with the problem, but first of all I would
like to thank you all those who have taken care of my

Since the last posts I've tried several things:

-Updating BIOS.
-Disabling USB ports.
-Intalling new codecs (somebody recommend me DVSoft one)
-Check out file formats (as I live in Spain it should be
-And I cant remember what else.

New Information:

While trying to export with DVIO I get that error:
AppName: dvio.exe AppVer: ModName:
ModVer: Offset: 0000283c

Anyone has an idea?

What I've no tried:

-Changing firewire cable (up to now no possibility)
-Work with a dedicated hard drive (I'll buy it in a few
-Same camcorder in another PC (no posibility)
-Same PC with another camcorder (no posibility)

Thank you again,


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