Privleges on XP...



I am trying to install Norton Internet Security and it
says that I do not have sufficient privelges to install
Norton.... This is my families home computer. There were
two profiles created, however both have the same issue.
How can I 1)install Norton 2) consolidate it to ONE



Hi there,

To install Norton, you need to have administrator
priviledges. Sign into an account that is listed as an
administrator under user accounts. Check under user
accounts to see which account is an administrator. If
that doesn't work, run the tweak on line 1 (right side),
labeled "Add ControlUserPasswords2 to Control Panel".
Then go into your control panel and go to "User Accounts
2". Temporarily remove the check mark beside the
requirement for entering a password. Logoff and log back
in as the Administrator. You should now be able to
install Norton.

To limit access to changing Norton's settings, within
Norton (once you have it installed and running) there is
a setting which will allow you to set a password over

Hope this helps,


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