Printer Collate



Since installing Office 2007, the collate box when I go to print doesn't stay
checked (like it always did in 2003). Is there something wrong with the
program or is that the default. If it is the new excel default, how do I
change it. I am always printing many copies of a file and need it collated.

Emily Lin

Hi Lee,

In Excel 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, the Collate check box in the print dialog box is checked by default. In versions of Microsoft Excel earlier than Excel 97, in Excel 2007, the Collate check
box is cleared by default.

If you want this option checked by default in the new Excel files, we can create a template and put it into the XLSTART folder to work around it. Following is the key steps.

Note: As this setting is saved with the workbook, the following steps doesn't affect the existing workbooks.

1. Open a new blank workbook in Excel 2007.
2. Click the Office button > Print.
3. In the print dialog box, click Properties > in the Advanced tab, go to Paper/Output. Click Copy Count, set it as 2, and check the Collate. If you want the copy count as 1, then
set it back to 1. Click OK. Now, the collate is checked. Click Close.
4. Click the Office button > Save As. Choose file type as *.xltx. Save it to the folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\XLSTART. Name the file as book.xltx.
5. Click Save to save it.
6. Exit Excel. Start Excel 2007. Check the print dialog box in the new Excel file. The collate checkbox should be checked. What is the result?

Related KB article:

822107 How to use startup folders in Excel;EN-US;822107

If anything is unclear or if you have any other concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Emily Lin

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Thank you very much Emily, That was very helpful. One quick question. Do you
think there is a way to create a batch file that I can apply to Excel files
already created?

Emily Lin

Hi Lee,

Appreciate your update and response. I am glad to hear that the information is helpful.

I am sorry but I am not familar with the coding/creating batch files. For assistance with this coding issue, you can post it on the MSDN
newsgroups for peer experiences and recommendations. I have provided link as below:

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is always my pleasure to be of assistance.

Have a nice day!

Emily Lin,
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Thank you Emily
Lee Morgenstein

Emily Lin said:
Hi Lee,

Appreciate your update and response. I am glad to hear that the information is helpful.

I am sorry but I am not familar with the coding/creating batch files. For assistance with this coding issue, you can post it on the MSDN
newsgroups for peer experiences and recommendations. I have provided link as below:

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is always my pleasure to be of assistance.

Have a nice day!

Emily Lin,
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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