PPT design template previews



In PPT, when selecting a design template, the previews in the preview pane do
not load. They work, that is, if I select one based on the verbal
description, but I cannot tell what it looks like in the "apply design"
preview window.

Thoughts or help?

Windows Xp home, Office 2003 Student and Teacher

Echo S

Disappearing or blank thumbnails in task panes

(Score one for MSN search on the PPT FAQ home page. Searched for "blank" in
the Google search, but this FAQ didn't turn up. Then I tried "thumbnail."
Nada. Tried "thumbnail in MSN, and it turned up first thing. "Blank" works
in MSN search, too. Cool!)

Steve Rindsberg

Disappearing or blank thumbnails in task panes

(Score one for MSN search on the PPT FAQ home page. Searched for "blank" in
the Google search, but this FAQ didn't turn up. Then I tried "thumbnail."
Nada. Tried "thumbnail in MSN, and it turned up first thing. "Blank" works
in MSN search, too. Cool!)

AND you get a direct link to some great deals on BLANK at Amazon.com

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