Pop-Up Blocker and Windows 2000



I am using IE 6.0 SP1 and running Windows 2000 SP4 on my desktop and I am
trying to find out if Microsoft is going to release another SP for Windows
2000 to enable me to get the Pop-Up Blocker. The Pop-Up blocker is available
in SP2 for Windows XP (I have this on my laptop and it is great!).

Thank you in advance for your help.

Don Varnau

It's a pretty safe guess that the next version of IE (IE7) will have the
pop-up blocker and other security features of IE6 SP2. There's been no word
as to whether or not IE7 will run on Windows2000. At any rate... IE7 is a
ways off. ;-)
For more information, try a web search for IE7 or Internet Explorer 7.

You know about the google toolbar and it's pop-up blocker, right?


Fuzzy Logic

I am using IE 6.0 SP1 and running Windows 2000 SP4 on my desktop and I
am trying to find out if Microsoft is going to release another SP for
Windows 2000 to enable me to get the Pop-Up Blocker. The Pop-Up blocker
is available in SP2 for Windows XP (I have this on my laptop and it is

Thank you in advance for your help.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

There are various options including the Google Toolbar which includes a pop-
up blocker. I used FreeSurfer MK II for quite some time but once I found
Avant I have been using that. It's a shell for IE that includes tabbed
browsing, pop-up blocker, ad blocker, flash blocker, RSS feed support and
lots of other goodies. It's highly configurable and is just over 1MB in
size. Worth a look.

FreeSurfer <http://www.kolumbus.fi/eero.muhonen/FS/fs.htm>
Google Toolbar <http://toolbar.google.com/>
Avant <http://www.avantbroser.com/>


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