Polling VSS for updates?


Brett Romero

I use VS.NET 2005 with VSS integration. Is there a way for it to
notify you via Studio that a project has updates in VSS? Or, how can I
use code to poll each project for updates?


Michael Nemtsev

Hello Brett,

See there http://www.codeproject.com/vbscript/ssmonitor.asp and http://www.sourceremoting.com/vssr_emailnotification.htm

BR> I use VS.NET 2005 with VSS integration. Is there a way for it to
BR> notify you via Studio that a project has updates in VSS? Or, how
BR> can I use code to poll each project for updates?
BR> Thanks,
BR> Brett
Michael Nemtsev :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

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