Integrating VSS with VS.NET


Frank Rizzo


There is a solution with a couple of c# projects in my local VSS. They
were added to VSS independent of VS.NET IDE. How can I now open the
solution in VS.NET IDE from VSS? I am trying to do File/Source
Control/Open From Source Control, but it keeps wanting to create a new
project. Am I missing something really simple?


Jeffrey Palermo

The way I like to do it is to use VSS itself to copy the source to a
working folder and then open the solution from my disk. Then I can
make sure the VSS source control bindings are set correctly.

I have had problems when entire solutions were checked into VSS. I
have found it easier to only check the project files in and never
commit the solution file to VSS. Each project will have references to
the other projects it needs, so it's no sweat to assemble the correct
solution, but on my team, we have a rule that no solution file be
checked it. It has saved many headaches. Other than that, opening a
_project_ from VSS seems pretty simple. File -> Source Control - Open
From Source Control.

Maybe the solution file is giving you the same hassles it gave us.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Palermo

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