Please help me export from Outlook



Hi there,

I'm trying to export my contacts from Outlook into excell. I click
file/export, choose export from outlook, then it says choose the files and
the box is empty. I've tried changing my view in outlook from the mail view
to the file view...still nothing. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong...


What version of Outlook are you using, and if 98 or 2000, what mail support
mode? If you're not sure, look at the second line of Help | About Microsoft
Outlook -- it should say "Internet Mail Only" or "Corporate/Workgroup".
(Outlook 97, 2002, and 2003 don't have separate modes.)

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Hi There,

Thanks for writing. I'm using outlook 2003. Any idea why this is happening?


It's really so strange. It's as if the export doesn't even register that
there are any files in outlook. Empty box completely when it's time to choose
the file. No Contacts, calendar, notes....nothing? I'm really baffled.

Brian Tillman

Susan said:
I'm trying to export my contacts from Outlook into excell. I click
file/export, choose export from outlook, then it says choose the
files and the box is empty.

There is no such menu in Outlook 2003. You should see FIle>Import and
Export>Export to a file. Click Next. YOu should see a list of file types.
If you don't, then you haven't installed the exporters. Load your Office CD
and do so.


Hi Brian,

Sorry I wasn't precise. I did exactly as you described. Thanks for the lead
on installing the exporters. I'll give that a try next.

Best wishes,

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