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The gun is neutral. It's the idiots who use them that are the problem.
Of course, without the arms industry, the US would have very few
viable businesses. We can't stop making the guns that provide us with
genocide in Africa, now can we?

Most owners of guns are not idiots. The idiots are the ones who injure
and/or kill innocnet people. Unfortunately, the number of those people
in the US is much higher than in any other industrialized nation. I am
very much in favor of the right to bear arms, just as I am in favor of
the right to free speech. However, I do agree that these rights are not
absolute and that a certain amount regulation is acceptable, especially
since it would clearly be in the public good to bring down the
extraordinarily high number of homicides. Yes, there would be some
infringement on individuals' freedoms, for sure, but that's what happens
when a society chooses not to live in anarchy.

I would be interested in learning how many of these weapons that make it
into the hands of terrorist insugrents are manufactured in the US,

Bruce Chambers

Monitor said:
Sigh. Yet another intelligent person having been brainwashed by Charlton
Heston and the American Rifle Association: That a gun will solve all

Another twit that fails to understand that the presence of a gun often
PREVENTS many problems, particularly those stemming from poor manners or
dishonesty, from ever arising. ;-}


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


Bruce Chambers said:
Another twit that fails to understand that the presence of a gun often
PREVENTS many problems, particularly those stemming from poor manners or
dishonesty, from ever arising. ;-}

Ah, Brucie boy, you really shot (!) yourself in the foot. Would you sell
something to a buyer who turns up at your doorstep. brandising a gun? When I
buy or sell something then I do it with a level of trust, backed up by the
local laws, not supported by a fist, a baseball bat or a gun.

This particular twit (me) has often wondered why it is that the number of
people killed by guns in the USA per year (per head of population) far
outstrips the number in other western countries. What's the difference
between US Citiziens and English, German or French people, for example?
Education? Religion? Politicial system? Moral values? They are all much the
same. I can see one big difference but since I'm a twit I'm sure you can
explain the huge difference in terms that suit your argument.

James Watkins

Bruce Chambers said:
Another twit that fails to understand that the presence of a gun often
PREVENTS many problems, particularly those stemming from poor manners or
dishonesty, from ever arising. ;-}

Bruce Chambers

Your technical replies in these newsgroups tend to be the same stock
standard phrases repeated time and again, with hardly an original thought.
The above rebuttal is no different - it's taken straight out of the NRA
propaganda book. One of these days you'll have to do some of your own

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