PC slowed down after SP2 install. why?


James G.

After i installed SP2, When i right click internet
explorer, then click properties, click on delete
temperary internet files, the process takes alot longer
then before when i didn't have SP2. Does anyone have a
suggestion? thank you in advance. James.


If you haven't done so yet, try doing a defrag. Actually, if
your disk is over 50% full, run defrag a couple of times. Then
let SP sort things out for a day or so - usually it speeds up to
par. In my case, I ended up faster than before SP2 after two

| After i installed SP2, When i right click internet
| explorer, then click properties, click on delete
| temperary internet files, the process takes alot longer
| then before when i didn't have SP2. Does anyone have a
| suggestion? thank you in advance. James.


James said:
After i installed SP2, When i right click internet
explorer, then click properties, click on delete
temperary internet files, the process takes alot longer
then before when i didn't have SP2. Does anyone have a
suggestion? thank you in advance. James.

It can take several days and 3 or 4 reboots for it to speed up after the
SP2 upgrade. First defrag. The boot prefetch will kick in after the 3
rd reboot. It takes several days for the prefetch folder to be rebuilt.
And the in built optimization kicks in every 3 days. After that
defrag again.


Please try some basics ...

Clean Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and other temporary files:

Check for errors and defragment hard drive:

Clean Windows Startup and hidden Startup:

Spyware/Virus Removal and Prevention:
(Links to online virus scans on the same page)

Check Event Viewer (Start - > Settings -> Control Panel - >
Administrative Tools - > Event Viewer) for possible errors.

Good Luck!

Ron Martell

James G. said:
After i installed SP2, When i right click internet
explorer, then click properties, click on delete
temperary internet files, the process takes alot longer
then before when i didn't have SP2. Does anyone have a
suggestion? thank you in advance. James.

How big is your Temporary Internet Files setting? Internet Explorer
tends to make this too big, especially on a large hard drive. With a
dial-up Internet connection I consider a limit of 300 to 500 mb to be
more than adequate for the Temporary Internet Files.

With a high speed Internet connection I would reduce this to not more
than 100 mb; and I would also configure Internet Explorer to "delete
temporary internet files when browser is closed" using Tools -
Internet Options - Security.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

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