Pause? (HELP)



I have an access program that runs a bunch of queries. This takes about 60
I have a loading bar set up, (a bunch of black squares that turn blue as the
queries are performed), sadly though, they don't fill up until the whole
process/code is over.

I think it would work if there were a way to have the process "finish
everything (then pause for a millisecond)", it would work.

Or if there were a way to refresh the visualizations on a Form...

Any help would be REALLY appreciated.


I have an access program that runs a bunch of queries. This takes about 60
I have a loading bar set up, (a bunch of black squares that turn blue as the
queries are performed), sadly though, they don't fill up until the whole
process/code is over.

I think it would work if there were a way to have the process "finish
everything (then pause for a millisecond)", it would work.

Or if there were a way to refresh the visualizations on a Form...

Any help would be REALLY appreciated.

Kind of hard to tell what's going on without seeing your code..

Sounds like you're missing code to repaint your form...

docmd.OpenQuery "someQuery"
me.Repaint '<---this is in your form...


In one of my processes,which is like what you described, I repaint the form
that my progress bar between steps and that seems to work out great.

For example:
.... code here
'First Message
DoCmd.OpenForm "ProcessingMessage", acNormal, , , acFormEdit
Forms!processingMessage!lblmsg.Caption = " Processing...Getting Data"
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "ProcessingMessage"
.... code here
.... code here
'2nd Message
Forms!processingMessage!lblmsg.Caption = " Processing...Deleting Data"
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "ProcessingMessage"
.... code here
.... code here
.... and so on

Hopefully that helps you out.


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