PartMagic,, only ppl with know-how need reply



I prefer to have an attitude of helping, this is what this area is for , not
to pass judgement on how educated one person is over another, if you don't
want to help someone, close your biscuit hole to others who offer advice.


sgopus said:
I prefer to have an attitude of helping, this is what this area is for , not
to pass judgement on how educated one person is over another, if you don't
want to help someone, close your biscuit hole to others who offer advice.

Bite me.

The OP on this topic asked for an easy solution to helping a friend
and admitted that he/she had no clue about what he/she was doing,
saying that he/she didn't want to look like an idiot (too late!) when
providing that help.

That kind of person - who obviously did NO reading/research on the
topic of interest - deserves to get a kick in the ass.

So do you, for jumping in without knowing WTF you're replying to or
talking about.

Bill in Co.

PD43 said:
Bite me.

The OP on this topic asked for an easy solution to helping a friend
and admitted that he/she had no clue about what he/she was doing,
saying that he/she didn't want to look like an idiot (too late!) when
providing that help.

That kind of person - who obviously did NO reading/research on the
topic of interest - deserves to get a kick in the ass.

So do you, for jumping in without knowing WTF you're replying to or
talking about.

"Whats a'we's has a problem here is a problem in communications, boy!"


I know exactly what I'm talking about, your wiseass responses, and thinking
your better than others, I've read some of your responses, you spend loads of
time running people down, and commenting on their lack of intellect, and
prefer talking down to everybody. Grow up! I won't keep this thread going,
it's enough off topic, but I figured your personality can't resist a dig, go
for it.

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