Partially fill cells



Is there a way to partially fill a cell with color or pattern. I have tried
clicking "add vertical border" hoping that it would add a border to the
center of the cell, but nothing happens.
Whether or not it has a border is not relevant, partially filling the cell
is the real challenge.




The short answer is No. A cell is a cell and can not be split.

The long answer is that there may be a workaround you can use. If you select
two adjacent cells On the same row, then format horizontal alignment to
Centre across selection, you can then fill one of the cells only with a

I don't know if it helps, but it's the only option I can think of.


Thanks Dave and Ian! Look like I need to upgrade to 2007. :) or figure out
something else. I can always shrink the cells to haf size, merge the ones
that don't need to be partially filled with color or pattern and then only.

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