Partial Network Function - Can share files, but not Internet



Thanks to Steve Winograd's advice in the "Network Nightmare" post, I
can now share files between my Desktop (Windows XP Home) and my Laptop
(Windows XP Pro)(Both with SP2) - THANKS!!!
However, I can't access the Internet through this network. Each
computer can connect to the Internet separately, but I can't get the Internet
on the Laptop (client) when the Desktop (Main) is connected. I have tried
shutting down Zone Alarm (Personal Firewall) on the Desktop (I don't have it
on the Laptop), disabling Windows Firewall on both, to no avail. Can anyone
help please?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

Thanks to Steve Winograd's advice in the "Network Nightmare" post, I
can now share files between my Desktop (Windows XP Home) and my Laptop
(Windows XP Pro)(Both with SP2) - THANKS!!!

You're welcome!
However, I can't access the Internet through this network. Each
computer can connect to the Internet separately, but I can't get the Internet
on the Laptop (client) when the Desktop (Main) is connected. I have tried
shutting down Zone Alarm (Personal Firewall) on the Desktop (I don't have it
on the Laptop), disabling Windows Firewall on both, to no avail. Can anyone
help please?

Running more than one firewall on a computer can cause problems. Use
either Windows Firewall or ZoneAlarm, but not both. If you decide to
use ZoneAlarm, disable Windows Firewall. If you decide to use Windows
Firewall, un-install (don't just disable) ZoneAlarm.

Since you say that you have a client computer and a main computer, I
assume that you're using Internet Connection Sharing. Some versions
of ZoneAlarm are incompatible with Internet Connection Sharing on the
main computer. To see if that's the problem, enable Windows Firewall
and then un-install (don't just disable) ZoneAlarm on the main
computer. Reboot the main computer and try accessing the Internet
from the client.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program


Steve Winograd said:
You're welcome!

Running more than one firewall on a computer can cause problems. Use
either Windows Firewall or ZoneAlarm, but not both. If you decide to
use ZoneAlarm, disable Windows Firewall. If you decide to use Windows
Firewall, un-install (don't just disable) ZoneAlarm.

Since you say that you have a client computer and a main computer, I
assume that you're using Internet Connection Sharing. Some versions
of ZoneAlarm are incompatible with Internet Connection Sharing on the
main computer. To see if that's the problem, enable Windows Firewall
and then un-install (don't just disable) ZoneAlarm on the main
computer. Reboot the main computer and try accessing the Internet
from the client.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program
Hello again!
Sadly, this did not work! Any other suggestions? (I hope!)


Eric Cross said:

Do you have Internet Connection Sharing enabled on the host computer? It may
help if you provide the ipconfig/all results on both the client and the host
computer so we can further diagnose the problem.

Troubleshooting Internet Connection Sharing on Microsoft Windows XP

Hi Eric! It is so cool to hear from all you helpful people!
Yes, my Host Computer is configuered for Internet sharing.
IP address :
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Local Area connection:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
IP address: fe80::207:e9ff:fea8:9d03%5

Client Computer:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:

I ran Network Diagnostics in Help and Support - On Client
Computer Outlook Express connection failed, both in and out. Everything else
seemed OK - was able to ping back and forth between computers. What next?


SimpleApple said:
Hi Eric! It is so cool to hear from all you helpful people!
Yes, my Host Computer is configuered for Internet sharing.
IP address :
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Local Area connection:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:
IP address: fe80::207:e9ff:fea8:9d03%5

Client Computer:
IP address:
Subnet Mask:

I ran Network Diagnostics in Help and Support - On Client
Computer Outlook Express connection failed, both in and out. Everything else
seemed OK - was able to ping back and forth between computers. What next?

HEY Eric - and Steve -

I am CONNECTED AND ONLINE on both computers at last!!!!!!!!
Thank the Lord!!!!!!!!!
While waiting for a response from the News Group experts, I
went to the Advanced Tab on my Host Computer Internet Connection Properties,
and found a list of services in Settings, all Unchecked, including Mail
Servers, etc. Since I had found the Outlook Express connection "Failed"
during "Network Diagnostics, I figured I should check the boxes, and when I
did, I filled in the correct IP Adress for each service, rebooted, and
Eric - that download link you sent me for Network
SharingTroubleshooting gave me the final vital clue I needed (about Mail
Server failure) that led to my discovery of the solution - I can't thank you
all enough for caring enough to reach out and help all the little people like
Take care, and keep up the good work - I believe you reap what
you sow, and that you're heading for a bountiful harvest!
In Jesus' Name,
Simple Apple

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