Page number format changes when index updates


Carl Pantiskas

Please bear with me, this description is fairly long.

I'm using Word 2002 with fairly large document (223
pages). This document has a TOC (as a section) followed by
10 chapters that are separated as sections using "section
break, next page". An index of the final chapter
immediately follows that chapter. The index is separated
from the final chapter using a page break (before a title).

Word (for reasons I haven't found an explanation for yet)
automatically inserts a "continuous section break" before
and after the index. This section break is displayed if
the index is displayed, but isn't displayed if the field
code is displayed instead.

The footer on every page includes the page number. Every
chapter/section is set to "Same as Previous", "Include
chapter number" and "Restart numbering" except for the
final chapter. For that chapter/section, I cleared "Same
as Previous" but still use the other settings I mentioned.

The index section (the one with the continuous section
break) is formatted to "Same as Previous" (it follows the
section it is indexing), "Include chapter number"
and "Continue numbering".

Everything looks great set up this way. Unfortunately,
when I update the index using Update Fields, the page
number formats change for the final chapter/section and
its index. The final chapter/section switches
from "Restart numbering" to "Continue numbering" and
forgets that it is supposed to include the chapter number.
The index section changes also forgets about the chapter
number, but doesn't forget that its supposed to be "Same
as Previous" and "Continue numbering".

Any ideas as to what is happening?



BTW - This started happening after I copied all but the
final paragraph mark of my file into a new file. Before I
did this, updating the index simply made the index restart
at 1 rather than continuing (it still included the chapter

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Carl,
Word (for reasons I haven't found an explanation for yet)
automatically inserts a "continuous section break" before
and after the index. This section break is displayed if
the index is displayed, but isn't displayed if the field
code is displayed instead.
This is to allow the index to display in columns. You need
section breaks in a Word document to define columns...
Everything looks great set up this way. Unfortunately,
when I update the index using Update Fields, the page
number formats change for the final chapter/section and
its index. The final chapter/section switches
from "Restart numbering" to "Continue numbering" and
forgets that it is supposed to include the chapter number.
The index section changes also forgets about the chapter
number, but doesn't forget that its supposed to be "Same
as Previous" and "Continue numbering".

Any ideas as to what is happening?
There might be some damage in one of these section breaks.
I'd try copying everything up through the second-to-last
section into a new document (from the same template). Then
copy the rest over without the section breaks, inserting the
section breaks "as you go".

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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Carl Pantiskas

Thanks, Cindy

Unfortunately, I've already tried everything you've
suggested (I've recreated this document so many times now
that I've given up) and still have the problem. At this
point, I'm simply going to live with it unless someone
suggests something else I can try.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Carl,

Have you tried going the "rename" route?
Unfortunately, I've already tried everything you've
suggested (I've recreated this document so many times now
that I've given up) and still have the problem. At this
point, I'm simply going to live with it unless someone
suggests something else I can try.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

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